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Republished Article From About Facts Net
Conspiracy Theories

I thought it might be interesting to republish some of the conspiracies I wrote about twenty years ago.

I have decided to add a new topic to my menu. The topic is Conspiracy. I did it because there are so many conspiracy theories out there on everything from astronauts to Zulus. I guess this is just another way of saying a to z. Let me say if one believed all these different theories he or she would probably be in an institution. Having said that, how would we know if any of them were true since they are buried in thousands of other conspiracy theories? Well, they are fun to read so let’s get started. By the way I am not saying that any theory I write about is true so use your own good judgment.

One of the organizations that is mentioned many times in conspiracies is the Freemasons. It’s funny, but according to posts on the internet they were involved in almost every important event since Eve gave the apple to Adam. They are blamed for so much, if they are involved in anything we would never know. It is being said by certain people NASA is controlled by the Freemasons. It is also being said shuttle launches are planned by the positions of stars and planets which are important to the Freemasons. Here are the stars and planets that are said to be important to them: Sirius, the stars in Orion's Belt, Regulus, and the planet Mars. But why would any of these be considered important? Sirius is considered important, because not only is it the brightest star in the sky, but it was important to the Egyptians and is said to be a Freemasonry symbol. Again, the stars in Orion's Belt were very important to the Egyptians and it is believed the pyramids on the Gaza plateau were laid out to mimic them. As you can see the Freemasons seem to have a tie to ancient Egypt. Regulus is a star in the constellation Leo. This star was considered the star of the king in ancient Egypt. Last but not least, the planet Mars was associated with Horus, the Egyptian god.

The claim is the shuttle flights only occur when these stars and Mars are in certain positions the Freemasons think are advantageous. I guess this should be easy enough to check if anyone wants to take the time. There is a comet named Enke which is also tied into this somehow. It is the shortest term comet. Is your head starting to spin yet? What gives me a problem with this is the Space Shuttle is not launched on schedule many times. Sometimes holds are put on the launch due to weather or malfunctions and alternate launch dates are chosen. I sort of think this alone would destroy the above theory. So called studies have been done on the alignment of the stars I mentioned along with Mars. These studies show a goodly amount of alignment hits at launch. For example, the studies show anywhere from 20% more alignment hits than the average expected to 40% more.

George Washington was a Freemason as were many other fighters in the revolution.

One of the things which come to mind is the story about TWA Flight 800 that crashed over Long Island Sound in New York, USA. For years the US government has claimed the plane experienced mechanical difficulties and crashed. Others swear they saw a missile hit the plane and knock it out of the sky. Indeed, even one examiner stated a round entry hole could be seen in the side of the plane and another swore rocket fuel was detected on the seat next to the entry hole. The government still states it was some sort of failure which made the plane crash. It is also said an agent from the Defense Intelligence Agency advised the FBI on July 23, 1996 the evidence was consistent with the exhaust of a MANPAD which is a Man-portable air-defense missile.

For years there has supposedly been a car driving around that averages 100 miles on 4 ounces of water. This rumor has been persistent and just won't go away. It is said a process was developed for welding which would allow water to replace acetylene torches and it is said this can also be applied to automobiles. The water, which is H20 is said to be converted to HHO. In other words, the hydrogen is taken from the water to power the car. The next part of the conspiracy says Denny Klein, the inventor of the process is dead and this is why we have not heard any more about it. You can see his video on YouTube.

Chemtrails have been hot in the news for a long time. There have been many photos taken of planes releasing vapor or gas in planned patterns into the atmosphere. Sometimes many aircraft are involved and are using a sort of checker board pattern. The government and airlines state this is merely water vapor from the engines, but others ask the question, “why are so many aircraft involved at times and why such covering patterns?” They go on to state they believe this has something to do with germ warfare and they believe the government has been spraying the US population with some sort of drug to protect it from some of the germ warfare assets out there.

One of the newest conspiracy theories states the US has been building underwater bases using new tunnel digging machines. It is being said they have now connected almost all above ground bases with tunnels which run hundreds of miles in some cases and have extended these tunnels to under the ocean. They even go so far as to state we have new planes capable of  rising from the ocean and then flying, and because these planes look different than conventional planes, they are being mistaken for UFOs.

Another conspiracy theory which has been going around for years states huge amounts of gold have disappeared, not only from the United States gold reserve, but also from the Canadian mint. Then there is the allegation billions in gold were stolen from under the World Trade Center on 9/11 during the attacks. Some even say the attacks were just a front for the biggest robbery in the history of the world. The story goes on to say when the tunnels under the World Trade Center were finally accessed after the attack, one gold bar and a broken down truck were found.

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