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Conspiracy Theories We Hear About

There are many conspiracies going on in the world and some of them we might not have heard of but never the less they are there. Being unaware of a conspiracy doesn’t make it any less one. Japan has been accused of a conspiracy by organized crime in that country which is said to reach to the top of their government. Why would people say this? Here is the reason, Japan had refused to join the U.N. Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. It Is known as TOC. This seems like a respectable tool to start clamping down on criminals who prey on others in other countries. The reason Japan gave for not wanting to join was if the treaty was implemented in Japan it would create hundreds of new criminal offenses and create a new crime category which is planning the execution of a serious crime for a terrorist or other organized crime group. All this changed in 2017 due to pressure on the government and Japan finally joined to the chagrin of the Yakuza.

Here is one of my favorite conspiracy theories. It states the United States government is suppressing discovered alien technology which would produce free energy. It says they are doing this to protect the fossil fuel industry. They point to ways industry is being protected as recently as now by the president who vows to open more coal mines and pump oil on government park land. One of the proponents of this theory is Doctor Steven Greer who talked about free energy in an interview last year. For those who think the name is familiar, Doctor Greer is the head of the Discovery Project which has given a voice to government whistleblowers. It doesn’t help dismiss theories against the oil industry when they do things like buy up advanced battery technology. When inventors of devices which would allow autos to run on liquids like water disappear or are found dead they are given the blame by the public many times.

There are those who are accusing people in the U.S. government of conspiracy and they base it on the fact the Chinese were able to steal plans for the F-35 fighter plane. They go on to say it wasn’t just this plane’s plans which were stolen but also the plans for the B-2 bomber, and F-22 which is said to be the most advanced plane in the world. It is being claimed China is willing to sell these plans to other countries which are even more dangerous. Can you imagine Iran with fleets of F-22s what could be worse than that except for nuclear weapons? A few years ago a Chinese scientist who was in this country for over 20 years and worked in a top secret lab was able to steal data and bring it back to China. Could he have had help and could those others still be working for the U.S. government? One has only to look at some of the newest Chinese aircraft to see how similar they look to ours. We seem incapable of keeping our secrets from other countries. If there was ever a need for better security it exists now.

There is even a conspiracy which mentions President Donald Trump. We have all heard by now of the famous Christopher Steele dossier on the president. Now there are some saying there was an ex-KGB chief who helped Steele compile the dossier and he was murdered by the Russians. It seems Oleg Erovinkin who was a general in the KGB and FSB was found dead under mysterious circumstances. It is said Igor Sechin a former deputy prime minister who heads Rosneft, a state owned oil company is named in the dossier and Erovinkin was his former aide. Erovinkin was the key liaison between Sechin and Putin. Supposedly, a source close to Sechin stated links between Trump supporters and Moscow. So far no evidence to support this has been found. It was reported Erovinkin’s body was found inside a black Lexus and no cause of death had been confirmed at the time. The Russians stated some time later the man had died of a heart attack, but many do not believe this.

The royal family in Great Britain is not exempt from conspiracy theories and there have been many of them throughout history. One of the latest ones had to do with the former Princess Diana’s death. Diana died in 1997; she was called the people’s princess. Diana had divorced Prince Charles in 1996 and she was out in a car with her boyfriend Dodi Fayed and got into an accident and was killed. The accident was said to have been caused by drunk driving. Conspiracy theories began to spread after that and some accused Prince Philip of having her killed and others said it was Prince Charles. The theory stated this was done to prevent Diana from marrying Fayed who was a Muslim because they didn’t want her to have a child. She had written a letter in which she said she felt she might be in danger which gave even more credence to this conspiracy theory.

One event which seems to have all the earmarks of a real conspiracy was an event which was said to occur in Cuba and injured many diplomats. It was some sort of microwave exposure but it was not clear if it was a weapon or some other source which caused this problem. There has been talk of a weapon in the hands of the CIA which is silent and puts out ELF waves which are Electronic Low Frequency Waves. Could the Cubans also have such a weapon?

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