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I guess one should never underestimate what people, companies or the government will do. Recently many of us got excited over the fact the Project Blue Book records were going online. The Black Vault website had put them up. Here was a chance for us to view them. We knew beforehand we wouldn’t find out anything earth-shattering, but we also knew we might find out things about important sightings we didn’t know. Then it happened, I went to the Black Vault to view these records only to find out they had been removed. Why in the world were they taken down? John Greenewald is the owner of the Black Vault website and here is what he had to say on January 29th, 2015 – It is with great frustration to announce, that Ancestry.com, and their subsidiary Fold3, has laid down a claim to copyright on the Project Blue Book material – which has long been labeled as “public domain” by the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA).   Ancestry.com is claiming ownership to the digital version of this material – despite me having records that Fold3 doesn’t even have in their archive and I received under the FOIA starting back in 1996.  They simply claimed it was 100% theirs and I was forced to remove it.

The problem here is if Greenewald would have left the documents online, he would have been forced to fight an expensive legal battle and he could not compete with the resources of the companies demanding removal. I feel for Mr. Greenewald and know how it feels when this happens. It is unfortunate when something like this happens, especially with records which are clearly public domain. If someone copies a public domain record and it becomes digital should they be allowed to copyright it in the first place? This is a question in the law, but it certainly seems very wrong since the original record is public domain in the first place. Greenewald stated he tried to work things out, but the other companies were having no part of it unless he became an affiliate which would have cost him money. Here is the question I have about all this, is it just a company wanting to deprive the public of the documents for reasons of profit, or is it really a move by someone in the government who didn’t like the idea these documents were released in the first place?

The editor or a major newspaper in Germany, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung stated in the Digital Journal that he has been publishing stories in the paper which were written by the CIA and many times he just put his name on them. He said he believes the articles were designed to drive nations to war. He went on to say this corruption is widespread in the Western media. I had to wonder if this was true why would this man come forward, but he says he has contracted a fatal disease and is in a perfect situation to do this since he has no children. He went on to say his conscious was bothering him. He is the author of a book which is only available in Germany entitled, Bought Journalists (Kopp 2014). Dr. Ulfkotte is no stranger to politics, he was a former advisor to the government of German Chancellor Helmet Kohl. If what he said is true, it is a sad state of affairs indeed.

When we talk about conspiracies we have to realize they have been going on since the beginning of time. The first time a caveman got together with other cavemen to depose their chief it was a conspiracy. Nothing has changed over the years and it seems the more powerful the country the more conspiracies that there are. If we look at Operation Paperclip which sent German scientists to this country to work on the space program, we realize these were not just German scientists but many were part of the feared and cruel SS. They were Nazis and we made them into heroes. If the American people would have realized the true nature of these people at the time they would have been very angry. One has to remember that many people here lost not only fighting men to the Nazis, but also friends and relatives who were put to death in Nazi concentration camps which were run by the SS. Wernher von Braun, the head of our space program was a Nazi and an officer in the SS and was responsible for deaths from slave labor.

A black budget is a secret budget. Our military has a black budget which was estimated by the Washington Post to have been $52.8 billion dollars in 2012. I guess it was getting hard to increase the black budget even more because of the need for tremendous amounts of cash to fund secret projects so a law was passed, or maybe a procedure I am not sure, but certain federal agencies are now allowed to dip into other agency’s budgets and take what they want without getting permission. This certainly could be one of the reasons the US Post Office is having such a hard time.

Unlike other federal budgets, the budgets of the NSA, CIA and other spy agencies in the federal government are classified so there can be no public debate on them. Many members of congress are not happy about that. They claim it would not violate national security to know how much the individual budgets are for each intelligence agency. In an article on US News and World Report entitled “Obama Won’t Disclose Spy Agency Budgets”, it was said the top 16 US spy agency budgets were unknown not only to us, but also to most members of Congress. I don’t know how others feel about this, but I do know it is wrong to keep this from us. I can’t help but also think we have far too many spy agencies. When it is said top 16 that means there are others. You would think this has to breed inefficiency with each agency vying for power and keeping what they deem important to themselves to make themselves look more important. We know the military needs their intelligence, but why does the US need more than two intelligence agencies, one for foreign intelligence and one for domestic intelligence?

In 1981 Senator Pete Domenici said, “There is no line in the budget … for waste, fraud and abuse.” Former senator James L. Buckley wrote a book about the problems with the budget process entitled, “Saving Congress from Itself.” He said there was explosive growth in federal grants.Β  In 2015 these grants are said to total 640.8 billion dollars. The grants are aid to states. They account for more than 20% of the federal budget. So what is the truth why we are so far in the red, is it really grants? Could it have something to do with the trillion dollars we spent on the Afghan War or the admittedΒ  two trillion dollars spent on the Iraq War which I believe is really more like three trillion plus? What if we add government corruption and inefficiency? Let’s throw in the bloated black budgets and those inflated military contracts for weapons which we spend billions of dollars on which never work, or don’t work as advertised. For good measure let’s add those projects which were meant to please some company or powerful person and do absolutely nothing for the American public. Could it be that grants for states, which admittedly may be given out according more to the party in control, are really not the reason we have such huge debt? I didn’t even include the cost of the secret wars we are fighting.

