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Dangerous Experiments

Sometimes articles appear which cannot be fact-checked. I read one once which was very far out and there is probably a good chance it is not true, but I decided to let you know about it and see what you as a reader think of it. First let me say the biggest machine in the world right now is the Large Hadron Collider. It has a diameter of about 20 miles and the unit was built in a circle so that particles could be accelerated and smashed into each other. This is probably no surprise, because it has been in the news quite often and I have spoken about it several times. One time I mentioned the fact it was getting so powerful it was thought there might be a chance it could create microscopic black holes. Black holes are what scientists believe exist in space and are so powerful nothing can escape their grasp. The reason I had mentioned the collider back then was the idea of creating black holes, even tiny ones seem to be very dangerous to me. So far we have never been told one was created, but let me get on with the story. It has been said scientists at the collider thought it might be possible to create some sort of passageway, one that might even lead to another dimension or different universe and they were secretly working on this. Supposedly they kept increasing the power of the machine and eventually made a decision to even risk the machine by putting in a tremendous amount of energy. The article states at that point one of the scientists disappeared and the only thing left was his clothes and jewelry. The article seems to indicate he may have been sucked in to one of these passageways, but even if the article were true how would we know he just wasn’t disintegrated?

It seems the CIA has been involved in some unsavory experiments. When the information came out that the CIA had used LSD on some of their own to see what the effects would be many people were enraged, especially when it caused the death of workers. It seems the CIA has its finger on the pulse of what is happening in many other agencies, maybe even all of them and in recent CIA documents which were released a couple of them mention a program known as Stargate. It is claimed it is no longer in existence and ended after twenty years. Supposedly the Soviets had been experimenting with mind control and the US military must’ve felt they had to do it to keep up. One of the documents described the goal of the Stargate program as being, "To establish a program using psychoenergetics for intelligence applications." It is believed Stargate had to do with people using their minds to manipulate objects and sometimes read other’s thoughts. It may have been more than this, even though nothing might have been released about what I am going to say. The program might have been to develop soldiers who would blindly go into any situation when ordered. If a soldier’s mind could be controlled most of the militaries around the world would welcome this with open arms. A fearless soldier is what every military dreams of.

There was another program which was said to have been worked on by the CIA which also had to do with one’s mind, it was known as MKUltra. There was a big difference between this program and Stargate. The aim of MKUltra was to develop drugs which could be used on prisoners and which would make them talk. We know much has been said about methods which have been used in places like the prison at Guantánamo, Cuba. These probably would have been the types of drugs which would have been used in a place like that. We don’t know exactly what types of drugs were developed. We do know it has been said some of these were tried on unsuspecting civilians. To read more about Project MKUltra all one has to do is go to Wikipedia.

A lot of people don’t know this, but some famous scientists thought there was a chance when we exploded our first atom bomb it might destroy the entire planet. Now we know it didn’t, but since some scientists felt this was a good idea to take this chance. Some would argue of course it was and it led to the end of the war. Others might say if it did destroy the planet it would have been pointless to develop it to stop the planet from being destroyed by war. The question is was the risk worth it? It has been said the most damage caused in Japan was not done by the atom bomb, but was done by firebombs. In a raid on Tokyo in 1945 the United States dropped incendiary bombs and caused well all over 100,000 deaths and made over 1,000,000 people homeless. It is thought when we bombed Nagasaki the killed and wounded amounted to 75,000. The estimates on the amount of deaths in Hiroshima are not accurate, but some say 100,000 people died, but others claim it could be higher.

Are we conducting any dangerous experiments at the moment? Some people believe the experiments conducted at the Large Hadron Collider are all dangerous, but let’s forget that for the moment. According to Stephen Hawking, one of the world’s greatest physicists, the most dangerous experiment we are conducting today might be our attempts to contact alien races. Stephen Hawking has said if we are successful we could end up being treated the same way as native races were when Europeans conquered them or be treated like the American Indian when the white man wanted their land. One has to gather from what he has said he is totally against these attempts at contact and he also states to preserve the human race we have to colonize other worlds.

There are probably many dangerous experiments going on right now of which we have no knowledge. We know even in the most secure laboratories across the planet diseases have escaped and some of these diseases may have been the cause of outbreaks among humans. Diseases have been experimented with as weapons for quite some time now and other diseases have been experimented with so we might find cures for them. If we were to find out what some of the scientists are doing we would be outraged if rumors are to be believed.