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The Biggest Conspiracies

Conspiracies exist in many different areas, but when the term conspiracy theory was coined many believe it was created to hide the fact UFOs do exist and are alien vehicles. Today this term is used much more freely against both legitimate and unproven events. This makes it very hard for most of us to distinguish what is truly happening and what is falsehood, but that was the purpose of creating this term all along, so it has succeeded. There are some of us who wouldn’t believe something no matter how much proof there is, especially if they were told by some authority figure not to believe it. There are others who believe anything and then there are those in the middle who want proof, but once sufficient proof is provided will believe what you tell them. In today’s disinformation age it has gotten harder to distinguish between the truth and non-truth. It can be done with careful investigation and the testimony of witnesses who were or are in a position to know what they are talking about. Let’s look at various areas which some are calling conspiracy theory.

The Bilderberg Group is said to be one of the most powerful groups in the world and it certainly has demonstrated its power over the last decades. It holds a meeting once a year in different countries and is so powerful the host country provides the security in the form of their police and security forces. It is just about impossible for anyone who is not invited to get near the place where they are meeting. The most powerful people in the world are invited to the meeting which lasts several days. In the past the only way to get a hint of what was being discussed was to try and get someone into the meeting as domestic help and hope they could overhear some of what was going on. ­It is being said photocopied documents from the meeting and prior meetings have made their way to a website and the BBC uncovered at least some of them. It is also said these documents proved the Bilderberg Group was responsible for the formation of the European Union. The investigators say the American news media cooperated with the group and agreed not to release any facts from the meetings, which seems to prove it is being controlled as is often said by some.

Some think voter fraud is only a conspiracy theory. Voter fraud does indeed exist even though there are those ridiculing the idea. The extent of it however is unknown. If the government really wanted to do away with at least some of it, they would go back to using id for voters even though some believe you should just be able to vote without any proof of who you are. Not only DO the dead vote, but those who sign some of the petitions seem to have the same handwriting even though the names on the petitions are different. I have personally seen this. There are also those who vote who claim to be living somewhere but really don’t. Then there are those who are not citizens who vote. One famous story told last year was about an illegal alien asking President Obama at a public meeting if she would get in trouble for voting and he said something to the effect no one would know. If this doesn’t shine the light on voter fraud I don’t know what does and by the way it exists on both sides of the isle.

One of the biggest sources for conspiracy theories is said to be the Kennedy assassination. There are certainly plenty of different theories about what happened. At the time of the Kennedy assassination John McCone was the director of the CIA. Some have said Castro was responsible for killing Kennedy to get even for the attempts on his life by the United States. Others have speculated in was the mob to get even with a crackdown on them. There were also those who blamed Johnson, the vice president at the time and said he wanted to become president and pointed to photos where he seemed to be smiling while stand at Kennedy’s coffin. Then there were those who believe Kennedy was assassinated by our own government, because he was going to better relations with the Soviet Union and invite them to participate in the U.S. space program. It has been said John McCone kept valuable evidence from the Warren Commission which pertained to the assassination. Now it is being said the CIA’s historian has released documents which prove McCone kept important information from the commission. We still don’t know who was really behind the plot, but we now know McCone had a lot to do with hiding the facts. Some involved are now calling McCone’s testimony “…neither frank nor accurate.”

Many of the super-rich claim the idea of them not paying their fair share of taxes is just a conspiracy theory. Whether this theory had any merit or not was unproven for quite some time then everything changed when the Panama Papers were found. They went online in a data base and show there are almost 400,000 people involved with tax evasion and about 300,000 offshore entities. The mix of people is astounding. There are politicians, celebrities, businessmen and others. They can no longer claim it is just a conspiracy theory, because now it has become a conspiracy fact. The documents came from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.

I think it would be appropriate to finish this article by talking about the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center towers. By now we have all heard the different theories of what really happened and how the air was saturated with the remains of a military grade explosive called thermite. We have also heard about how a building hit by a plane couldn’t have come straight down and no other skyscraper in the history of skyscrapers has ever fallen from fire even one that burned for over 3 days. Then there was the Pentagon and the mystery plane which was said to have hit it, even though there was no video of it and no marks on the walls indicating an object with wings and motors hit the building. Senator Rand Paul has had enough of this and wants to declassify some of the report’s pages. He is calling the legislation “Transparency for the Families of 9/11 act.” Some believe the commission investigating the event never called all the witnesses and one commission member said their hands had been tied. Could this event be the biggest conspiracy of all?