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What Is Going On At Antarctica?

What is going on at the South Pole? I only ask this question, because some famous and important people have been dashing off to there lately. We know there isn’t much there to see and hardly any people, so speculation has been running rampant. The pope was in Cuba and while there he met with the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church and the very next day after meeting with the pope Kirill the Patriarch went to the South Pole. It is believed the pope told him something about the South Pole and he ran off to see if for himself. If it was just an isolated visit people might not think about it so much, but when John Kerry runs off to the South Pole in the same year one has to wonder what the heck is going on. What is even stranger, if anything could be is the fact Kerry went there during election season and used precious campaign time to go there. Buzz Aldrin went to the South Pole and then had to be evacuated. It is said he was on a luxury tour, but was he really? When you were an astronaut doctors from NASA track your health for your entire life.

There have been reports of strange clouds appearing over Antarctica. They are said to be electric blue in color. They form at the edge of space and some scientists believe they have something to do with the warming of our planet. Could it be those in the know are flocking there to observe these clouds or is there some other reason for the recent travel there? Allow me to give you a little background on what some people think is going on at the South Pole. For many years, since at least World War II ended it has been believed a huge opening in the Earth had been found there. Some say this is nonsense since it doesn’t show up on Google Earth, but we would be very naive to think if the government wanted to hide something from the public they couldn’t. We know the government felt it was important enough to send a fleet there under an operation known as Highjump. When the fleet returned they weren’t in very good shape. It was originally believed they were searching for secret NAZI bases which were rumored to exist at the there. While there is no proof of what happened to the fleet, it has been said they were attacked by a UFO and would have been destroyed if they stayed there.

There is also a different narrative and it states to the surprise of the fleet they found an alien base and they were not welcome. It has been said Byrd actually flew into the huge opening and what he found was a complete alien city underground. The operation was not strictly American, because there were also troops from Britain and Australia included in the force. The Russians and Norwegians also became involved. Whatever the secret is, it is known by at least five countries and probably more by now. Having said this, somehow I do not believe the people who went there this year were going to see an extraterrestrial civilization or a Nazi base. I think it had to be something else, something very important. In the original movie “The Thing” from the early 1950s a UFO is found under the ice at one of the poles. Could it be this has come true and these people were going there to see it? Probably not, because we have a long history of moving in fast and taking these things away after covering our tracks.

It is only a guess, but I think there is a better chance some important archaeological find took place. One has to remember before Ice covered Antarctica, there were forests. Large rainforests existed and dinosaurs roamed them. In 1912 Scott discovered fossilized plants there. Maybe there is an area of the South Pole which has thawed and the remains of the ancient forest is exposed and this is what people are going there to see. It is said the last plants lived at the pole some 3 to 5 million years ago. If evidence of modern humans living there would have been found, it would knock the theory of evolution on its ear. It is said if we go back about 100 million years ago, the South Pole looked much like New Zealand does today. Some scientists wonder how these forest could have adapted to the approximate 6 months of dark and 6 months of light regime. A dinosaur fossil which was found indicates the dinosaur had enlarged optic lobes. Would the find of a huge dinosaur, maybe even one frozen intact be important enough to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to go there to take a look and for John Kerry to be ordered to go there? I don’t think so, do you?

It seems to me even as important as this might be, it wouldn’t be important enough for the president to order Kerry there. When it was announced Kerry was going there the State Department was grilled by reporters as to why he was being sent there on the tax payer’s dime. It was said he was traveling to a research station there. The State Department said the reason for the trip was climate change. The spokesman for the State Department John Kirby said, “Given all the stakes for the planet, particularly for sea level rise by melting ice, the secretary believes this is an important trip to make, and it’s a place he’s been wanting to go for a while now.” Wait a second, couldn’t a phone call have accomplished the same thing? Kerry was not going to hike out anywhere to see whatever, the most he did was talk to someone who he could have talked to by phone and who a climatologist would have been better off speaking to and relaying what was said and the ramifications if any.

This seems like a weak excuse for the trip to me. Why did Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church visit the South Pole? It was said he was invited there by the head of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, V. Lukin and it was to help prepare for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica by the Russians Faddey F. Bellingshausen and Mikhai P. Lazarev on January 28, 1820. If this is true it has nothing to do with anything the pope told him. Notice the dates however, this is only 2016 and it will be 4 more years before the anniversary, so does this make sense to you? It doesn’t to me and I can’t help but think something else is going on and as usual we are being kept out of the loop. Was Buzz Aldrin’s tour a cover for something much more important? These are questions we may never know the answers to.