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Let’s Look At Some Conspiracy Theories

I thought it might be interesting to discuss some conspiracy theories. One of them is truly bloodcurdling. It states thousands of South American Indians were infected with measles and hundreds of them died so that US scientists could study the effects on primitive societies of natural selection. This is actually an old conspiracy theory that is rearing its head again. If it sounds familiar to you it is because it sounds like a study which was conducted in this country in the 1930s where African Americans thought they were being treated for gonorrhea, when actually nothing was being done except they were being observed. This led to a lot of painful deaths.

One of the problems with conspiracy theories is although some of them are true, the vast majority probably are not and this stops people from taking the true ones seriously. I think one of the biggest conspiracy theories we have ever had was based on the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. There is no doubt there was much to this attack we do not know about. As I have said many times, certain things have happened which seemed to make no sense except if the truth was being covered up. I’d like to ask why was everything removed from the site so fast before investigations could be fully propagated? I bring this up now, because it has been said President-elect Trump is going to reopen the 9/11 case. There are many of us who would love to see this happen. Maybe then we’ll get an explanation of why military grade explosive permeated the air all around the trade centers and why the buildings came straight down as if by controlled demolition.

One conspiracy theory that keeps getting mentioned states there is no gold left in Fort Knox. Some people have claimed they have seen videos which supposedly shows rows of gold bars in Fort Knox, but they claim the color is a little off. There hasn’t been an inventory of the gold for over 50 years and when foreign countries claim the gold we hold for them we tell them they can have it back in several years. What exactly is going on? It is said after the World Trade Center was blown up there was an underground cash of gold taken and only one gold bar was found on the ground when investigators were checking out the area. It was also said it looked like trucks were loaded up and the gold was moved that way. Could it be true, could there be no gold in Fort Knox and possibly no gold in any of our gold depositories, has it all been stolen?

Sometimes an article will appear which states all conspiracy theories can be debunked. This is like saying it can be proven that no crimes ever existed. Lumping all conspiracy theories together and saying they are all false is a bit much to believe.

One of the biggest conspiracy theories which is still around today states Hitler never died in the bunker and he was whisked out of Germany and taken to South America by submarine. This theory has been investigated and there are enough witnesses still around who claim to have seen him in different parts of South America to make this conspiracy theory believable. The Nazis were very clever and had several doubles for Hitler and it has been said the burned body which was found in the bunker was identified by the dental work which could have been duplicated by a better-than-average dentist. Some even say the body was not even that of a man, but of a woman. Since it was taken away by the Russians at the time, no information was really given to the West about what they found except for them saying they found Hitler’s remains.

I guess one conspiracy theory which will never go away has to do with who him killed President Kennedy. The story goes Lee Harvey Oswald was able to take a cheap imported Italian rifle and shoot and kill the president while he was in a moving car hundreds of yards away. Many people today claim he would not have been able to do this and even if he could this doesn’t account for the crying man behind a grassy knoll who came running out and was seen and supposedly saying I did it for America. Some say he was photographed by a woman in the crowd. Many people claim it was an inside job and some blame President Johnson. They say there is a photograph of President Johnson standing over Kennedy’s coffin with Jackie and looking back at someone and smiling.

Some of these conspiracy theories remind me of the game telephone. That is the game where a few people stand in line and one tells the person next to them something and by the time he reaches the last person in line what was told to the first person has been completely altered.

One of the current conspiracy theories states there is no global warming and even though it seems to be all around us and it turns out it is, the human race bears no part for what is happening. I can’t tell if we are contributing to global warming or not, but it certainly seems we are not helping it by dumping all that carbon into the atmosphere. It just seems reasonable if you pollute our atmosphere you helped to create a greenhouse gas effect which in turn keeps more of the heat in our atmosphere. This is why I can’t agree with those conspiracy theorists who state there is no global warming.

Let me finish this article by talking about a conspiracy theory which was proven to be true. For many years it was claimed smoking was good for the digestion and tobacco companies used people dressed like doctors claiming all sorts of health benefits were available by smoking tobacco. Skeptics and conspiracy theorists never believed this and finally it came to pass not only was it not true smoking was good for you, but it was proved smoking kills. Remember this when you are contemplating a particular conspiracy theory and thinking they are all just a bunch of baloney.