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Conspiracy theory is appearing all over the internet again. I say again, but it really never stopped. Recently a Saudi Arabian newspaper contained an editorial which talked about the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. The Saudis are very angry with us, because the senate approved a bill by a unanimous vote which allows families of 9/11 victims to sue that country. A Saudi legal expert stated wise people in the world who are experts in American policy and who analyzed the images and the videos agree the attack of 9/11 was purely an American action. He went on to say the United States created public opinion about an enemy called terrorism, so it could carry out its desires in any country. Other countries say that it is true, but not entirely since Saudi Arabia and Pakistan worked with the CIA to make the attack happen. I for one hate the idea we were responsible for even one death as a matter of policy, but there are many scientists and engineers out there who believe the towers were brought down by military explosives in a controlled manner and state the air around the buildings was full of traces of this explosive.

Are the republican attempts to stop Trump finished? There is talk that even though he now has the nomination, some republicans will never support him and this could hurt him in his presidential bid. It is very important for the republican governors of different states to throw their support behind him and even though Trump has insulted several of them he still says he thinks they will eventually throw their support behind him. Are these governors plotting to help Trump to lose the election even though he is a member of their party? Only time will tell. Meanwhile Trump has gained a new group of enemies and they are the environmentalists. Some of the people picketing him are environmentalists who are angered on his stance of increasing fracking, drilling and coal production. Could there be enough of them to influence the presidential election? Are they plotting his downfall?

A former CIA Deputy Director named Michael Morell has testified before the House Intelligence Committee. When he appeared on the television show Hardball he released a bombshell. He said the Bush-Cheney administration misrepresented the intelligence related to Iraq’s supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction program. He also said Saddam’s alleged links to Al Qaeda were misrepresented. Chris Matthews asked Morell if when Cheney said in 2003 that "We know he [Saddam Hussein] has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." Morell said these statements were not true and then Matthews the moderator asked Morell why he let them get away with it. Morell said he was only a briefer.

A story has come out stating five big oil companies spent 114 million dollars to manipulate lawmakers and public discourse on climate change. Big oil is worried that more restrictions will be put on them in the name of global warming and areas where they want to drill will be closed off to them. When you hear certain law makers saying global warming is nonsense, are they telling you their personal view or are they lining their pockets and is it the oil money talking?

Why are so many third world countries so poor? An economist has investigated the fact and come to the conclusion they have been looted. He estimates over 12 trillion dollars have been stolen by dictators and others and hidden in offshore accounts. One of the counties he uses as an example is Equatorial Guinea. He states the national economy’s output per person is about 60 cents for every dollar an American gets and yet the people live in dire poverty. He states when we add tax fraud and illegal drug money we get 36 trillion dollars missing from the economy of nations every year. He estimates that when the total net worth of the planet earth was calculated for 2014 it was 240 trillion dollars there was about 15% unaccounted for.

Remember the first Gulf War? In 1990 a 15 year old girl who was known as Nayirah gave evidence before Congress and it was said this helped spark support for the war. The girl had said Iraqi soldiers had removed babies from incubators and left them to die. Amnesty International came out later and said this was not a true statement. When the war ended, the New York Times reported the girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador and her testimony was arranged by a PR firm.

A few months ago the NASA Curiosity Mars rover snapped photos of itself and these photos have bothered some of the people who have seen them. The reason for this is the arm of the rover is nowhere to be seen. Could it be these photos were staged on earth and someone forgot to connect the arm before filming?

Was NATO about to move on Russia? Some are saying they were at the behest of the United States, but their plans were outed by none other than Pat Buchanan. Buchanan slammed NATO hawks for working to expand the alliance’s presence all along Russia’s borders. He said we wouldn’t like it if Russia had planes patrolling off Pensacola, Norfolk and San Diego and we should put ourselves in Putin’s shoes.