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Secret Underground Facilities and Secret Floors

People have been mentioning the fact that a lot of buildings have secret floor both above and below the ground. Certain types of buildings may be more prone to have them than others, such as government buildings. There are also complexes which are said to have these secret floors and I guess one of the most famous and one which has been discussed many times in the Denver airport. Why would anyone think in the first place it had an underground complex secretly built under it? There is really a simple reason for this. People who watched it being built wondered why it was so far from Denver, but this is not the main reason which was the construction was far too large for just this airport and it seemed the digging went down far too deep. To top all this off, the airport had some really creepy art on the wall of futuristic soldiers participating in some sort of apocalypse. The art has been removed or replaced. It was as if someone was advertising the fact there was some sort of underground bunker and it was there to save THE IMPORTANT PEOPLE, not us, during a nuclear war.

There have been plenty of rumors about the Pentagon and how a complete underground complex exists under it. It is almost an open secret. The building itself was completed in the beginning of 1943.The surface building has more than 17 miles of corridors. Original plans called for a building no higher than 5 stories with two more stories below ground. The building itself has twice the office space of the Empire State Building. If you were to ask any official they would tell you there are only two floors below ground level, but is this true? One of the reasons people suspect there are reinforced bunker floors below the pentagon is the fact the 9/11 attack didn’t even make a scratch on the foundation floor of the building while causing all that damage above ground. The exact location and depth of the basement area has been misstated by officials a few times so even they don’t agree on what is below floor level. In 2006 a piece was published called, The Pentagon Attack Papers: Seven Hours in September. The article talks about an undisclosed underground facility under the pentagon. Due to the recent trend of digging tunnels by the government, the Pentagon is probably connected underground to other important government buildings by the secret railroad.

It isn’t much of a secret that the White House has a deep bunker under it. It is said a large construction project was authorized and began in 2010 to create even more secure underground levels. It was billed as a utility upgrade, but no one believed it, since it was so extensive. A deep underground command center was being built and there is probably more than that. The advancement in technology has allowed for a very powerful center to be built, a center which has been talked about since the 1960s but couldn’t be because the technology didn’t exist then. Talk about a James Bond type escape route, it is said the president has a trap door below his desk which leads to a passage to the command center. In the 1950s the White House was completely renovated and massive tunnel systems were built under it. The idea was to be able to move the president and his staff quickly in event the Cold War turned hot. Very few people know the full extent of what is under the White House.

When the former Vice President Dick Cheney lived in the residence vice presidents usually live at the site of the U.S. Naval Observatory, underground explosions were taking place every day. The story goes they were annoying the neighbors. The work was called an infrastructure improvement and utility upgrade, but most people thought otherwise and those who were supposed to be in the know claim what was really going on was the construction of an underground railway tunnel. It was said to be an extension of a tunnel which connects all the important government buildings in Washington D.C. allowing the politicians and their families to make a swift getaway in case of an emergency. Some articles even came out at the time verifying this. The United States is said to have more tunnel boring machines than any other nation and even purchased the ones used to dig the Chunnel between England and France. An interesting aside is the Clintons were said to live in the neighborhood at the time.

Did you ever notice when you are in some tall buildings there is no 13th floor listed? It is said the government and military sometimes use this to have a secret 13th floor which is not listed but where some secret operations take place. Not all secret floors are in government buildings however and not all of them are the 13th floor. The Empire State Building is said to have a secret 103rd floor. It makes sense because the original purpose of the tower on top of the building was to allow airships to tie up and disembark passengers and it is said the 103rd floor was where they were supposed to get out. It never happened because the winds that high up were too fierce for safe docking and now the floor is sealed off from the public.

Disney World in Florida has a hidden underground system. You might be asking yourself why they would go to all this expense. This is said to have happened because Walt Disney was walking through the original Disneyland in California and he saw a worker dressed as a cowboy walking from Frontierland through Tomorrowland. He thought this would ruin the fantasy for children so he ordered the underground system to be built under Disney World and told his employees to use it to get around. The underground fills 9 acres.

Unless you are a resident of the John Hancock Center in Chicago, Illinois you cannot get into the 44th floor of the building. The floor is cut off from the public. It is not that there is any secret projects going on there, because this floor contains a huge 52 square foot supermarket for the residents of the building. The highest swimming pool in the United States is also in this building.

It would be relatively easy to fill a book with secret floors and structures inside or under buildings. If I were just to concentrate on government buildings and complexes I know I could find a lot of them. How many buildings in your area either have secret floors or underground secrets?