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Secret Societies Are Alive And Well

There are a lot of secret societies around and people would not believe some of the famous people who belong to them. There has long been talk about the ancient Egyptian gods and how the members of some secret societies still worship these gods. One of the premier Egyptian gods is Osiris. Osiris is the god of the afterlife. One of the most famous of the secret societies are the Freemasons. The Masons will probably admit the ancient Egyptian religion has an effect on their beliefs, but I have to wonder if any will go so far as to admit they follow at least some of the ancient Egyptian gods. One of the websites for a Free Right Masonic Lodge goes into the ancient Egyptian religion quite fully and talks about the afterlife and how Egyptian mysticism has impacted modern life. If they didn’t believe in the ancient Egyptian gods why would they even bother posting this? It is estimated that over 6 million Freemasons exist worldwide and some of the most powerful people in the world belong to the group. Some of the biggest names in history were Freemasons, such as Benjamin Franklin and George Washington along with many others. Political leaders who are said to be Freemasons include Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Al Gore, Colin Powell and many others. Many people who control the world are Freemasons and race or stated religion doesn’t seem to play any determination in deciding if they can join.

One of the biggest and most influential secret organizations is said to be the Illuminati. There has been a running debate which has lasted for more than 100 years on whether there really is such a group and it is believed by many not only does this group exist, it is probably one of the most powerful in the world since it would contain those who believe they are the richest and smartest and should control the world. Every once in a while we see a reference to the illuminati when something happens which is a major event and might affect the course our country or other countries will take in the given situation. Those who believe in the Illuminati believe they are controlling everything which affects the course of world history.

In line with the Illuminati is the group known as the New World Order or One World Order. Some say this isn’t really a group, but an idea to do away with all the governments of the world and have just one. I have talked about this many times and there have been numerous articles and television programs about this. Many different influential people have used the term New World Order in their speeches. It has been said the goal of the New World Order people is to cut the population down to about 500 million and then allow the rich and powerful to lead lives similar to the lords of old. The people would be given just enough food to exist and would be responsible for creating everything the rich need to live a life of untold luxury. Justice Felix Frankfurter of the U.S. Supreme Court said, “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes.” Woodrow Wilson said, “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Even Albert Einstein pushed for One World Government.

 The Bilderberg Group is also known as the Bilderberg Club, Bilderberg Conference and Bilderberg Meetings. In any case its members are so powerful that whatever country is picked to hold the meetings, has its police protect the conference with the tightest security possible. Only those on the exclusive list of guests are allowed in. The richest and most powerful people on earth are invited to the meetings and it is said this is where the fate of the world is decided for the year ahead. When presidents and royalty are summoned they go to the conference without hesitation. When Obama ran for president the first time, he was summoned to the Bilderberg conference and many say they picked him to be president and helped him get elected. McCain was also invited, but according to the INFOWars website, Obama came out the golden boy.

Bohemian Grove is a sort of secret society. It is a campground on a 2,700 acre lot and for two weeks and three weekends is home to some of the most powerful people in the world. There are a little looser rules in some instances as guests are allowed, but they must first pass a screening process. Another rule however is females and minor guests must be off the property by 9 or 10 p.m.. A meeting was held there in 1942 by Robert Oppenheimer and concerned the Manhattan Project. There is a statue of a giant owl at the camp which stands over 30 feet high. Certain rituals are carried out at the camp. The members’ list has included the most important people including presidents and others at the top of their fields.

The Shriners are probably most known for their support of hospitals for children, a very noble cause. What many do not know is they are part of Freemasonry. It turns out there are many organizations which are so connected. The Shriners use temples not lodges as do the main Freemason organization.

There are plenty more secret organizations and I suspect the most dangerous ones are the ones which we know nothing about. They are places where plans are hatched which can affect the lives of every one of us and these plans do not take into consideration our feelings or wellbeing.