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Contrails Affirmed

One of the things I constantly hear about is atmospheric spraying. It seems we have enough evidence to prove something is being dumped into our air and it doesn’t always seem to be the same thing. The government has been denying it has been spraying for years and yet the evidence is right in front of us, or should I say above us. Fleets of planes have been seen crisscrossing the skies over our heads and actually spraying and to make sure they don’t miss a spot, doing it in a checker board formation. I have spoken to many people about this and some have been investigating this for years. It seems every type of plane and even rockets have been used to disburse chemicals. Guess what, it is not only the United States where this is happening, but in many other countries. Some suspect there is a plan afoot and the United Nations has given its approval to the plan which allows this spraying to take place over many different countries. The question is do all the countries where it is happening know about it and have they given their permission for it?

People have reported seeing all sorts of planes spraying in the sky. I am not talking about water vapor which comes from jet engines. I am talking about canisters attached to the underside of planes or under the wings, which are releasing something into the air. I am also talking about people on the ground, under where the spraying is taking place reporting all sorts of strange and sometimes sticky residue on the ground and stuck to bushes and trees. We are supposed to be in a country where democracy rules and the will of the people is all that matters, but it seems this is just a joke and we don’t know about or have approved a lot of what is happening. Many people don’t want certain vaccinations to be given to their children, because of the health risks attached to them. Some of the vaccines in this country contain mercury to preserve them and make them last longer, as opposed to the ones which do not contain mercury. It seems the almighty dollar is more important to the drug companies than the health of children and to those who might have to pay extra for mercury free vaccines. We pay billions of dollars for weapons that don’t work, but we won’t pay a little extra for some mercury free vaccines.

There have been many reports of tests conducted to see how feasible it is to vaccinate from the air by spraying vaccines and chemicals into our atmosphere. This is the air we breathe, so this means we are all receiving these vaccines and in varying doses. We all know how high the cancer rate is in this country and I assume there hasn’t been any testing to see if this spraying is increasing it, since it was said not to be happening. When we do get vaccinated, dosage is very important and aside from the fact we may not want to be vaccinated, there is no way to guarantee a person is getting a proper dose of a vaccine or chemical this way and yet it seems the powers that be just don’t care. A NASA employee has admitted NASA has been spraying lithium into the atmosphere. If you Google this you will find plenty of articles about it.

In 2015 the U.S. government imposed a number of gag orders on NWS and NOAA. The employees of these agencies have been prohibited from talking about many work related issues. The NWS is the National Weather Service and NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It does make one wonder what type of data these types of agencies could have which would have to be kept secret. Apparently they found out something they should not have and the government wants to keep this secret. It doesn’t take a genius to see that. Something is very wrong here where an agency which deals with the weather has to keep secrets. It is just more proof the government is doing things it shouldn’t and probably at our expense.

Lithium is a drug used to treat psychotic conditions, why would this be sprayed into the air? NASA is saying the project is studying neutral and charged particles in the ionosphere and how each affects the way the other moves resulting in currents in the region. The variations matter because all of our communications and GPS satellites send signals through the ionosphere. A disturbed ionosphere translates to disturbed signals, so scientists want to know just what causes the ionosphere to behave in specific ways. If you believe a substance would be sprayed into the atmosphere which is a drug for this purpose without regard for how it will affect us, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Clearly the scientists had to know people would be breathing this stuff in.

The World Health Organization, which is under the auspices of the United Nations, has been researching the use of sprayed vaccines for years. Many will say this might be a good thing, but there is nothing good about it. Even if there is no ulterior motive, the dosage method means some will get too much of the vaccines and/or drugs and maybe some will not get enough for it to be effective. Getting too much of anything can cause all sorts of problems. Here is the question you are probably wondering about, it is what does lithium do to us and why would it possibly be sprayed into the air? I can’t answer this question precisely, but knowing it is a psychotropic drug means it alters the way we think. Some have latched onto this and suspect we are slowing having our minds changed about certain things without us realizing it.

Some say there is an even darker side to spraying in the atmosphere and it is part of the plan from the New World Order to limit the size of the population. Infertility seems to be a rising problem in some countries but so far not in the United States. The United States gets so many refugees every year this could be the reason why it isn’t decreasing. If the amount of refugees is slowed or stopped, it would be interesting to see if infertility did increase here. There are those who say a different method is being used in the United States to limit the population and it is cancer. I don’t know what is really going on, but I do know it is not in our best interest and there has to be more openness in government and we have to be given more say in our futures.


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