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September 11, 2001 Revisited

View From WTC 1

View From World Trade Tower 1 Before 9/11
Photo Source: Ken About Facts

September 11, 2014 brought out all sorts of protests again. It seems more people than ever believe it was not a terrorist plot, but a false flag operation. A false flag operation is one where a government does something so another entity or country will get the blame. An example of this was a suggestion by the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy administration that we attack our large cities with bombs and blame it on the Cubans so we would have the support of the population if we invade. Kennedy put a stop to that suggestion right away, he should have put the Joint Chiefs on trial for treason. The proof came out when a document surfaced under the Freedom of Information Act. As hard as this is to believe, the proof is there in the form of a memo. It is called Operation Northwoods and is available by Googling it or you can read about it on Wikipedia, where the actual document is shown.

I have talked about this a lot, mostly because it makes me angry and partly because we are all thought to be fools, I believe 9/11 was a put up job. Recently 2,200 architects and engineers came out against the terrorist theory. They had studied the so called terrorist attack for years and decided there was no doubt the buildings were taken down by demolition. The government conducted a test to show a hundred pounds of thermite could not cut through a guider, but then someone took a one pound amount and it cut through one making what the government did look like a joke. Thermite dust was everywhere during the attack. One of the things the architects and engineers talked about was the fact there was no resistance to the buildings when they came down, because the floors below had been blown out.

It was not only the obvious evidence indicating this, but the suppressed evidence. Many New York firefighters stated they heard explosions when the buildings were coming down and not one was ever asked to testify to that fact. A maintenance man said he heard explosions in the basement, but he was also stymied and not called. Some people who made it out of the buildings heard explosions as did over 100 witnesses in the street, they even saw explosions taking place on different floor. There was not one mention of explosions in any official reports. One of the people killed was ruled by the coroner as being killed by an explosion and this was kept secret. Then there was building seven. Building seven was never hit by a plane and was not next to the other two, yet it also came down in a controlled collapse. The government says it was hit by debris, the engineers and architects say there was absolutely no reason for its collapse. They go on to say no plane could have taken any of the buildings down, the temperatures from the fires were just not hot enough to melt the steel. It is interesting to note no other skyscraper in the world has ever collapsed due to fire and one even burned for 24 hours with hotter flames and still stood.

Did we do this to ourselves? There is a very good chance we did. Did we have help from other countries, probably? There has been a lot of talk lately in the government about keeping the population under controlled stress. The idea behind this is said to be a way of getting backing for different attack plans on other countries. We have no way of knowing what is true and what is not, but something is obviously wrong with the story we have been told about the 9/11 attacks. The facts we have been given just do not make sense. We know when we go to war there are certain companies which always make a lot of money. It is usually the same ones over and over again. Could they have backed the attack?

The attack on the Pentagon was said to be another false flag operation. The facts there are even more mysterious than the ones at the World Trade Towers. An invisible plane is said to have hit a building flying at an impossibly low altitude at hundreds of miles per hour, piloted by someone who just partially learned to fly a single engine plane and who was able to hit the side of a building without making any marks, just a hole in it and just happened to hit where the computers were, which had all the financial accounts for the Department of Defense the day after Donald Rumsfeld announced they were short a couple of trillion dollars and an investigation was about to start. On top of all this, the most protected building in the world didn’t get one photo of the plane and there was hardly anything on the lawn outside and the hole was only big enough for a missile. Need I say more? Professional commercial pilots have said it would be impossible for them to do this let alone someone just learning to fly a light plane. What about the other cameras in the area, why hasn’t at least one camera shown a plane hitting the Pentagon or at least in front of it before impact? We are expected to believe a jumbo jet flew so low it hit some street lights. This is one of the most ridiculous stories ever told.

It was claimed an airplane engine was found near the World Trade Center in the street. The problem with was it was an engine which the type of planes which supposedly hit the World Trade towers never used. The story of the two so called terrorist attacks is so riddled with holes it would be laughable, except for the terrible loss of life it caused. There was also coincidences were are just too much, like the fact a Bush was a principal in the company which provided security for the World Trade Center, all people which were seen carrying paper bags into the building, a high security alert had been lifted recently and bomb sniffing dogs removed from the premises. The power had also gone down a couple of days before, this meant the security cameras were off and none of the security locks on the doors worked and this led to many so called engineers coming into the buildings. A meeting had been scheduled on 9/11 by then President’s cousin Jim Pierce, but was moved to across the street instead.Β  World Trade Tower 1 and World Trade Tower 2 did not have an evacuation ordered when the plane hit as it was in World Trade 6 and World Trade 7. Workers had been encouraged to stay in the building.

It has been said by many they believe the doors to the stairwells were locked as were the roof doors in the twin towers, but there is no definitive proof of this. The whole event smells like rotting fish in the sun. The investigation was a whitewash and many people had wanted to testify about what they heard and seen, but were never called. Russian news has put out a video with people testifying who claim to be former U.S. government agents stating we were responsible for the attack, but since they have their own axe to grind most with never give it credence. The question is what will happen to us next?

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