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Will Computers Ever Be Perfect?

Will we ever be able to have a perfectly running computer for everyone? While many people will tell you they haven’t had very many problems lately, there are still things which have to be done to create that perfect computer. There are outside forces which are greedily waiting to cause you harm and then there are conflicts with other programs which you are running, not to mention the fact that even some of the software you would expect to run perfectly does not in all instances. Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about. There has been a push by Microsoft to get us to use their Edge browser. They are telling us it is the safest browser on the Internet. Since I haven’t tested it in a meaningful way I cannot say if this statement is true or not, but I can tell you the problem I have with it. The problem I’m going to tell you about seems to be a problem affecting many people. There are many times when I use a browser when I want to save a page I’m looking at. I might want to do this to keep it as a reference work or because I might want to refer to it for an idea for an article. I have updated my Windows 10 and the edge browser to the latest version. When I try and save a page I am reading in the traditional manner by clicking on the right mouse button a context menu appears which only has two options and they are “select all” and “print”. Now before anyone tells me to go into settings and then advance settings and set the properties, let me say they are set correctly and I have even reset them a couple of times, but to no avail. I know I could go into the registry and maybe correct the problem by modifying a line, but one shouldn’t have to do that as it is fraught with dangers. The average user should never have to touch the registry.

I don’t know what is causing this problem but the settings are not doing the job. You can copy an entire article by going back to the list in Google or some other search engine and right clicking on the article title which brings up a context menu with a save option. Another problem reared its ugly head the other day when I updated Windows 10 to the latest version. I had been using the program JAlbum to create slideshows and it worked perfectly in every version of Windows 10 until the latest version was loaded and now is just a useless program. I tried adjusting the settings, but nothing worked and now I get a message that troubleshooting has found this program is incompatible. It makes one wonder why it ran initially with every version of Windows 10 and suddenly doesn’t run any longer? Software costs money in many cases and to have it just stop running can be a very expensive proposition depending on which software no longer works. I understand software which ran on an earlier version Windows such as 8.1 or earlier not running on Windows 10, but I cannot understand why software which ran fine on Windows 10 suddenly was declared incompatible in the latest version. This certainly destroys confidence with those who are running expensive software, because they cannot be sure that a future version of Windows will render that software useless. One would think Microsoft would be keen to make sure things like this don’t happen. There are some people who are saying the latest version of Windows 10 should not be called Windows 10 any longer, because of the extensive changes which were made to it. They may have a point because if we continue to keep calling Windows 10 by that name after extensive changes in Windows 10 how will we know when our software becomes obsolete?

Then there are the pressures on our computers from the outside. It seems like there are hundreds if not thousands of bad software programs just waiting to climb into our computers. There seems to be no punishment to people who create these and many of the countries where they come from. By now everybody knows about computer viruses, malware and such, but even knowing about it may not help at times. Even when we are vigilant we sometimes slip up. I use one of the most powerful antivirus, anti-malware and anti-ransom ware programs to protect my desktop and so far it has done a very good job over the years. What I do is check which software gives me the best protection every year. It is worth the money it costs, because it saves me so much aggravation and work. One thing which everyone should do is create a backup of their hard drive to an external drive which is turned off after the backup is made so it is not vulnerable to attack. If someone is doing very important work on their desktop they should make a backup at least once a week, but if they are just using it for general use, probably once a month might do it. They should also create restore points every once in a while as they may be able to roll their computer back to an earlier point in time to solve a problem. It goes without saying they should also have a powerful piece of software protecting their computer such as the one I use. Many people think using some of the free versions of these types of software is the answer, but it certainly is not as those versions lack complete protection. When one is picking a piece of software to protect their computer they should read the reviews and see which are the leading program and then decide which one to purchase. Sometimes you can save quite a bit of money by buying the program on Amazon or even eBay.

I look at things this way, our computers are targets and since we live in the United States many criminals in the rest of the world feel that Americans are the most lucrative targets of all. They would love nothing better than to be able to get into your bank account and empty it out. Microsoft has provided some protection which you can take advantage of and which is built into Windows 10. I have found there are more proficient programs which are better at this task, but some feel if they are just using their computers for general use and have no links to bank accounts, protection which is not as strong as the most proficient programs is good enough. The truth is there is probably enough of one’s ID info on their computer which would cause them trouble if it got into the wrong hands.

Will there ever be a computer system we can use which will not only be entirely safe, but also completely compatible with software? Some scientists seem to believe when artificial intelligence is used to design future generations of computers and software this day may come, but I really don’t think so and I base this upon the fact if artificial intelligence is being used to design these computers, it can also be used against them.