Computers Should Have Made Things Easier
I don’t know if anyone else has had this problem on Facebook, but I just got a like on something I supposedly posted, but didn’t. It doesn’t seem to be someone else stealing my identity or anything like that, it seems to be more of a glitch and it only happened once. There are several people with the same name as me and a few are my relatives. I know that shouldn’t have caused this to happen but it seems the share could have been created by one of them but somehow credited to me.
This is one of the problems with technology glitches. I get them once in a while on my cable system, putting up a new web page and even with my phone, to mention a few and I am sure many of you have suffered through the same problems. Even our new cars and not immune to then since they became rolling computers. Not only is it very annoying, but sometimes they take an inordinate time to remedy. I have come to accept the fact there will be times when things don’t operate as expected.
Sometimes the annoyances are small, but other times they are more annoying because they take so long to fix, for many different reasons. Two of the little problems have to do with my new car. My prior car was totaled when a woman went through a stop sign, but I was not hurt. My new car has a system which allows you to automatically open the door because it recognizes your hand over the handle if you possess the fob. Most of the time it works, but sometimes you are forced to take out the fob and open the door that way. I have been to the dealer a couple of times about this and the fact that once in a while after opening and closing the trunk, the trunk opens when I walk away. The dealer can never find anything wrong and in never does it when he has the car. I finally gave up and have come to accept these small nuisances. One of the big problems I had with the new car was I was getting all sorts of warnings coming on the screen, many had to do with steering and brakes. It turned out this was easy to fix with a software update. It is hard to understand why a car would be shipped to a dealer with a problem like that. Wouldn’t you think the computer would be tested before that? I guess not because we can all see all the recalls on new cars nowadays.
What I really dislike is when I have a problem with the website I publish my webpages on. I am not talking about problems with the pages, but problems with the hosting. Fixing things like that can take days and in the past when I had a different hosting service it could take weeks. I always dread it when I have this type of problem because it is such a time waster. It always seems these things take far more time than they should.
When I switched my cell phone service, the new company sent me a sim card to put into my phone, which I did. The phone worked, but I couldn’t get any of the data I signed up for. I contacted them and that was the beginning of my odyssey. I was told it was fixed several times and it wasn’t. What really annoyed me was my previous car used the cell phone for directions, and when I was taking a trip and needed the app, it didn’t work because I had no data coming through. That by the way was how I found out I have no data. It got so bad and was taking so long I just went with a new carrier and fought to cancel my contract with the first carrier which took time but I finally won and got a refund.
I was very active at the beginning of the computer age, and I really believed things would get a lot easier, when computers appeared in business, and in some instances it did, but in others human nature took over. What I mean is computers did not get used the right way. Some places like doctors’ offices demanded you give all your info every time you visit because they were too worried about you saying nothing has changed. There was even the more extreme I ran into. One place wanted me to make three written pages of everything I had to write on the four original pages of questions. I was very annoyed at this and complained but was told they were going to three different doctors which was ridiculous since all the office had to do was send the pages to the other doctors using the computer. I will tell you the truth, I didn’t believe they were going to other doctors and thought this was some weird office thing.
Sometimes some very strange things happen using wireless. One would think that if wireless is down on devices and all your devices are using the same wireless, they would all go down. It turns out a very rare problem can happen. If your router has more than one connection with different speeds one can experience a problem without the other having a problem. As a matter of fact, it happened to me the other day the faster of the two worked the slower didn’t. Resetting the router solved the problem.
Its kind of strange when you think about the advances in computing. In the beginning we who were involved with computing thought it was incredible because of what we were able to do. Today things are so much faster and the abilities of computers have improved tremendously and yet I think some of us dislike the way they are being used in some circumstances even more. Just look at the millions of criminals stealing all our data and it seems to be every country for itself. Most criminals are completely safe in their home countries to commit any computer crime they want, and know they will not be arrested if they do it to Americans or Europeans. I am going to say this again, I hope the countries of the world will see the light and we all make treaties that would make this a criminal act. After all, the United Nations should have looked into this years ago, but the fact it hurts Americans the most might have something to do with the inaction.