Truth Facts



Living In A Simulation

One of the craziest things going on is people saying we are actually living in a computer generated matrix, just like the movie of the same name. There are those who claim they can prove this is true. I will get into that a little later in the article. First, what does this mean if they are correct? Does it mean we are just computer characters in a very sophisticated computer game or simulation, or are we some kind of life which was captured and put into a sort of simulation prison? Could it be neither is true and we only think we are living on the earth because as in the movie we are really just hooked up to a super computer type device which supplies the illusion. I have to wonder if the idea for the movie actually came from some people believing this was true.

There are many stories about people who were approached in their bedrooms and were put into a controlled paralysis just by Greys seemingly being able to do this by their brains controlling ours. Could this be the Greys or some other alien race using mind control over us for some unknown reason? I don’t believe it would be to use us like living batteries like the movie suggests, but there could be reasons we never thought of. If they could do this, they might also be able to eliminate people and then erase them from our minds. That is a terrible thought.

What possible reason could they have for doing this? Perhaps they take some of us and bring us out of the simulation and use us as slaves of some kind and then put us back when we are no longer needed, but not before erasing those slave days from out memories. There is a weird thought attached to all this and it is we never really die. Could it be there really is no death, just removal from the simulation? Maybe what we call ghost are those who have been removed and yet manage once in a while of making contact in some manner? I am not saying I believe any of this, it is based on what some others believe or may believe.

In 2003 philosopher Nick Bostrom proposed we are living in a simulation. This was four years after the Matrix was released in theatres. Because of this I hardly think it was a unique idea on his part. Another physicist suggested not that we were actually living in a simulation, but the universe operates like a computer by ordering and deleting unnecessary information. His name was Dr. Melvin Vopson. That theory came out in 2022. Lana Wachowski, former Larry Wachowski, and Lilly Wachowski formerly known as Andy Wachowski,  explained the premise of the movie to American Cinematographers. The Wachowskis worked on the idea for the Matrix since 1992.

Some of what are reported as strange things proving we live in a simulation is believed by a group who attributes it to a simulation while anther attributes it to the universe operating like a computer. I don’t believe we know enough about the universe’s modus operandi to make either of these statements yet. There could be a myriad of other reasons for what happens which would be outside of the reasons given.

A respected scientific magazine named Scientific American came out and said our chances of living in a simulation were about 50-50. I will be honest about this; I was shocked at their conclusion. The idea we live in a simulation leads to another idea which states if we are not in an area to see something, it no longer exists until we go back to it. This would be done to save on computer memory. For example, if we were in the forest and saw a huge rock, when we left it would disappear. My question is everyone who goes into that area sees what we saw, but is there anything different in some of the finer details? There are glitches which appear at times which are said could be a computer error. Could Artificial Intelligence be used to verify an area always is exactly the same anytime someone goes into it or could there be subtle differences we are not aware of?

One of the reasons people claim as proof we are living in a computer simulation is the Mandela Effect. When I first heard about this I am sorry to say I had to laugh. Just ask a hundred witnesses to describe a criminal they saw committing a crime and you are likely to get many different ones. Anyway, the Mandela Effect has to do with what some people claim about his death. Many say they remember seeing it announced on television in the 1980s, yet he died in 2013. It also has to do with other memories. I just chalk this up to faulty memories not a glitch.

Another far out supposed piece of evidence put forward is the double slit experiment. I have to admit we don’t understand it yet, but I don’t thing this proves we are in a computer simulation. The experiment has to do with two slits and one particle of light. If no one is watching the experiment, the light goes through one slit, but when watched the particle goes through both slits at the same time. Yes it is weird just like quantum physics is weird, but this doesn’t prove a computer simulation to me.

An even crazier case to prove the computer simulation was real was said to be such things as Trump winning his election, a 25 point Superbowl comeback and other things which seems to go against all the odds. To me this is just plain, dare I say, stupid. If winning against the odds means there was a glitch, no one would ever win the lottery, because the odds of winning are greater than most anything else.

The last piece of so called evidence put forth is the paranormal and ghosts in particular. One group who believes in the simulation has said there are no ghosts, they are glitches in the matrix. This would mean people were sent to a different part of the simulation when they died but there is a computer problem there and some of these lost characters can still break into our simulation at times and in different ways.

People tend to think they are incredibly advanced no matter what time period they live in. We believe we are and that a computer is an object so advanced it can create synthetic worlds. I am sure hundreds of other devices which are far more powerful than computers may appear and theories based on them will appear.

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