Truth Facts




Incredible Cities

There is an ancient city in Turkey named Myra. It is located in southern Turkey. It is said it dates from the classical age. It must have been a big surprise to archaeologists when they found there was even a more ancient city underneath it and that city was very large. The older city became covered with alluvial material and the newer ancient city was built on top of that.

Sometimes we find an underground city which is far more recent. Take for example the city under Portland, Oregon. It is known as the Shanghai Tunnels. It used to be the old China Town. Tunnels used to link to there and many a basement had these tunnels. There is a story which claims the tunnels were very useful when ship’s captains need crew members and shanghaied them using the tunnels so it wasn’t obvious what was going on.

Building underground cities has been taking place for thousands of years. I think everyone has heard of Edinburgh, Scotland. In the late 18th century a city was opened under the city. It was a time of great expansion and shops and warehouses were built under the city and took up nineteen acres. The underground city was named the Edinburgh Vaults. There are also stories about some of the underground areas being used for illicit purposes. During that time there were two serial killers in Edinburgh and it was said they used to store the bodies of their victims in the Vaults.

Many cities have been found underwater. It figures since the oceans rise and fall and the land spills back into the oceans and sometimes is built up by the oceans. There is an underwater city named Pavlopetri and it is said to be one of the oldest of all the underwater cities. It is located off the coast of Greece. The city is said to be between 5000 and 6000 years old. The walls of the building are sandstone and limestone. As you might have guessed this was once a busy harbor town. How did this city become submerged? No one is sure, but it was probably due to a rise in ocean level in the area.

There is a Chinese city name Shi Cheng which is called the Lion City. It dates back to 208 A.D. This city was above ground until a few decades ago. It is now at the bottom of a lake, because the Chinese government wanted to build a hydroelectric plant and needed a dam. The lake is man made and covers what was once a valley. Being at the bottom of a deep lake does have its benefits, the city will be preserved for millennia.

One has to wonder how many cities have disappeared since humans first started living in cities. We also have to wonder if areas which seem desolate now were ever thriving metropolises. It is said Antarctica was once tropical and I mention this because it is now being claimed by someone that there is a city buried under the ice which is located about 16 miles from the geographic South Pole. He said the U.S. government knows about the city and it was visited in 2016 by John Kerry and Buzz Aldrin. I can’t verify this fact, but I am telling you about it because it is interesting.

When we talk about the Antarctic or the South Pole it bring to my mind the pyramid which is said to be there which is emitting a powered signal and is being kept secret. I know about this since the famous investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe exposed its existence after former military whistleblowers told her they had been there. There is something I have to wonder about and it is if this city does exist, is it a human city or does it predate us.

When we talk about ancient cities, we are usually talking about cities about a few thousand years old. I have to admit that is pretty old, but when we talk about the ancient city of Tiahuanacu which is also known as Tiwanaku, it is estimated to be as old as 17,000 years. When you start to get estimates like this it means it could even be much older. The city is in Bolivia. The city was somehow built with huge stones which were brought from over 50 miles away. It is said you can see the remains of docks. The city is near Lake Titicaca. I have to wonder about it being a seaport so long ago. What kind of ships would have gone there? Stone tools suggest humans crossed the seas as far back as 700,000 years ago or longer. If one studies Australia it seems seaworthy boats may have existed as far back as 65,000 years ago.

Another incredible ancient city is Puma Punku, also in Bolivia. Could there have been an advanced civilization living in that country many thousands of years ago? If we examine the ruins of Puma Punku we have to say this is certainly a possibility. Stones have been elegantly carved as if they came off an assembly line. There are no machine marks on them and yet there are precision holes and channels dug into them on which the edges are still very sharp. How were these holes made and how were they all exactly the same on all the stones? Some of the stones weigh up to 130 tons, so how were they moved? It has been said these interlocking stones could never have been made by the people of the time and even today they would be hard to create. The stone used here also came from a quarry which was over 50 miles away. The ruins have been dated around 530 A.D., much later than the ruins at Tiwanaku.

There is a strange city in the shape of a labyrinth. It was found buried under the sand of the Karakum Desert which is in central Asia. Perhaps the city was in the form of a labyrinth to protect it during an invasion because it might have given the residents who knew how to negotiate the labyrinth a chance to escape. The city is named Gonur Tepe and is in Turkmenistan. It has been dated at about 4,000 years old. It is said the people who lived there were very advanced compared to their neighbors. The residents lived in a huge building complex.

Some archaeologists believe there are still many cities to be discovered and it seems that way. They could be hidden by desert sands, water or just buried.

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