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Ancient Inventions and Techniques

There are so many times when something is found we don’t understand and we hear that familiar refrain, “it must have been made by aliens.” I have heard this many times and I am sure many of you have heard it also. It usually is said when we look at things which seem to have not been possible to make in the time period they were found. It has also been used many times to describe what seems to us to be an impossible task such as moving stones which weigh many hundreds of tons. Sometimes we are presented with a scenario which does seem impossible, but just because it seems so does this eliminate the fact someone had discovered a way to do an incredible thing? One of the greatest modern examples of what I am talking about Is the Coral Castle in Florida. The castle was created by one man using pieces of coral which weighed in excess of 60 tons in some areas, yet he claimed to have done this using just a block and tackle and did it by himself. To make matters even more mystical he moved the entire structure by himself overnight.

Some of you already know the story of the Coral Castle since I have written about it before. Looking back through the mist of time we see the ancients were able to move huge rocks. Had they discovered some technology which was later lost and had the man who constructed the Coral Castle rediscovered it? There have been tales of ancient manuscripts and tablets which have inscribed on them all sorts or secrets. There is even one group of people who will tell you the ancients used magic to move those stones and the magic was known to Edward Leedskalinin the man who built it. I don’t believe in magic. I am not talking about the type magicians use, I am talking about what might be classified as true magic. Another group believes humans are a far older race than we have been told and at one time we were much further advanced than we are today. This might have some merit to it. We have been told by some there is proof of this being kept from us and at one time we had gotten to the point where we could explore the solar system and built structures all over it.

There is another belief which some say is what really happened and it is prophets were telling humankind how to create grand structures and move those incredibly large stones. Supposedly they had seen into the future and learned how these things were done. Some say it was a task which required a certain type of brain power and may have taken many people all concentrating on the same thing at the same time. Others agree but think some type of device was used to magnify these waves. Could some sort of futuristic brain power have been used to move stones? There is a second part to this and it is does the government hide ancient objects which might be more advanced than what we use today? There are plenty of stories about advanced civilizations existing on earth and then disappearing. Could one or more of them have possessed secrets which enabled them to do things like building using far more advanced instruments and methods than we have today?

If you think this is all of the choices for advanced technology in ancient times you would be wrong, because I saved what many consider to be the most outrageous one until now. This theory states the angels mated with humans and created Nephilim. A Nephilim is half angel and half human and some have considered the fact these Nephilim may have had much higher mental powers than ordinary humans and they may have been the architects of incredible structures and devices. There is even some talk they may have been the real gods to some of the ancient races. This is the opposite side of the coin to those who believe these ancient gods actually lived and were extraterrestrials.

There are mutations which form in humans and some of these mutations could turn out to be helpful to us. Perhaps a mutated human was born who had extreme brain power and passed some of these traits to its offspring and secrets were discovered which allowed man to do some incredible things including building structures which seemed impossible to build. When one looks at Einstein and what he accomplished it happened not only because he was smart, but many people think his brain worked differently than most humans. We hear things like his brain was wired differently. Could there have been people born who had different connections in their brain which allowed their brains to work like supercomputers and access more of those parts which are used in solving problems?

Notice I haven’t mentioned aliens yet. Lastly there has been some thought applied to this problem and it states some ancients thought about things in a very different way. They knew how to harness things like sound waves, light waves and all sorts of magnetic waves. The idea of using sound waves to move huge stones seems to have been picking up steam over the years. The idea even has a name, it is called acoustic levitation. It works by making sound travel through a gas causing gravity to be balanced out against the power of the wave thus making objects hover. The problem with this is today we can only use it for small objects, but there may have been a time when the ancients knew more than us and could apply it to moving large objects.

We really don’t know what techniques and objects have been lost to time. It seems our ancestors were not as advanced as us then we find out they did things we can’t equal today. We were having problems with the stress on the metal parts of jet engines when we found out the ancients made Damascus steel and copied it making our metal parts much stronger. We found out the ancient Romans were using techniques which used nano particles to make colors change when light hit them. We even found a mechanical computer from about 2,000 years ago which seems impossible. Maybe the biggest ancient technique or invention is yet to be found.