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The Great Pyramid and Sphinx Construction Mystery

The question keeps reoccurring, how old are the Egyptian pyramids and who built them? If you ask the Egyptians they will always say they did, but they limit exploration. What are they afraid of? Someone once remarked they had to have built the pyramids, because there was ancient writing inside the pyramids by the work gangs. How do we know the writing was really ancient and not put there in much more recent times? Has the writing ever been dated scientifically? I have never heard of this happening. Why is it even though a hollow space was found under one of the legs of the sphinx it can’t be explored? Exploring this would be of particular interest, because many people who are interested in Egyptology seem to think there could be a library there which would show who did built the pyramids and sphinx. Others say if there were ancient documents they probably have been taken out long ago by the Egyptians. What country would want to damage their tourist trade especially when it has such a large one like Egypt?

There have been quite a few articles and books claiming the Egyptians didn’t build the pyramids at Gaza. Some of the reasons cited have to do with water marks and the absence of smoke residue inside the pyramid where incredible artwork and symbols appear. The sphinx and Gaza pyramids show water marks, but how is this possible in such a dry area? If one researches the Gaza Plateau they will find the water marks suggest the monoliths were at least partially covered by sea water. The water erosion patterns suggest the sphinx could date back as far as 9,000 B.C. and maybe further. One archaeologist found a petrified exoskeleton of a sea urchin on the surface of a buried stone block which further indicates the area was submerged. The sea urchin was cemented to the top of the block and perfectly preserved, but flat. It was not part of the inside of a block so it had to be deposited at the site.

When we talk about the absence of smoke inside the Great Pyramid and others in the area, people believe this is very important, because they say the Egyptians could not have painted the pictures in the dark, so they must have figured out a system to enable them to do this. Polished metal was tried as a reflective surface to relay light through the corridors, but the system failed when scientist tried this. There is a drawing of a strange object which looks like a huge electric light bulb with a wire attached, so many say the ancients had electricity. I have my own theory on this which I expressed to a member of the Great Pyramid Society, but never heard any more. My theory was the paintings were made as the pyramids were build one layer at a time meaning there would not be a roof above them yet so sunlight was available. The builders would build the bottom layer and paint the art and install a roof and repeat the process until they got to a point where there would be no more paintings needed. This certainly does not mean the Egyptians had electric lights, because this process could have been accomplished by any builders.

This would have meant the builder’s clothing styles either would have been adopted by the Egyptians or the Egyptians painted the art somehow when they discovered the pyramids, making this even more puzzling. If this was the case perhaps the Egyptians found something which burned without smoke residue or managed to cover what was burning and capture the smoke? Back to the water erosion, a type of sediment was found along with alluvium deposits along with erosion which would have taken centuries to form. Sea levels have fluctuated by over 400 feet in the last 140,000 years, meaning there is a slight chance these structures are even older than the skeptics suggest. Could Atlantis or some other ancient civilization, if it existed, have built these objects? It has been said there are far more structures under the sands in Egypt than have already been discovered. Perhaps if scientists are allowed to have free reign to dig in other places, they will discover something which will help in finding the true origin of the pyramids and the sphinx. One historian said something which seems has to be true. He said the sphinx must have been carved when there was no sand on the Giza Plateau, because you cannot carve stone which is under sand.

It has been speculated the original inhabitants of the country we now call Egypt were from a place like Atlantis and possessed advanced technology. The author of one book states he believes the smaller pyramids in Egypt were built by Egyptians but not the ones on the Giza Plateau. There have been pyramids found all over the world and many are far older than the recognized age of the Great Pyramid. The Bosnian pyramid has been shown to be over 20,000 years old and was carbon dated accurately, because plant material was found between the stones. This proves the Egyptians did not invent pyramids as many say. The believers point to the fact there were crude pyramids earlier in Egypt and it was said they were built when the Egyptians were learning how to build pyramids. Even if the art was perfected by them the building of the Great Pyramid was so precise, we might not be able to equal its construction today and seems far beyond ancient Egyptian capabilities.

Ancient people have exhibited some incredible construction abilities, but it seems the really ancient and distant people had some abilities we don’t have yet. There are unanswered questions as to how huge stones could have been moved and laid and how construction could be so perfect and how stones could lock together without mortar or cement. There seems to be times when ancient people put their construction on top of construction created by even more ancient people. This has the effect of mudding the archaeological record. When we see huge stone slabs with construction built on top of them we assume the slab was put there by the people who built the construction, but it could have been put there in some earlier age and used later on. There are many unanswered questions about some of the construction in Egypt. It would be nice to get an affirmative answer by discovering the truth.