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Cities and Tunnels Under the Giza Plateau

Lately there has been a lot of articles pertaining to ancient mysteries. Ancient mysteries exist all over this planet and Egypt is no exception. The Giza Plateau, along with the Sphinx and the Pyramids are what most people think of when ancient mysterious monuments are mentioned. One of the things that makes them so mysterious is the continuous allegation by many people who say the pyramids are far older than we have been told and they also are fond of saying the Sphinx is even older than the pyramids. Why don’t we hear more about this? One of the reasons we don’t is the Egyptian government guards their secrets very well. They would never want to let the word out Egyptians didn’t build these monuments. Why would anybody think these monuments were older than claimed? If we take the Sphinx as an example and we note the amount of decay on the structure and we examine historical records, we realize the Sphinx was buried in sand for at least three thousand years that we know of. This would have prevented erosion in many cases. The sand would have protected this large monument and yet there is much erosion on it, which means before those three thousand years in which it was covered it must have been exposed for thousands of years to the climate. How could this be if the Egyptian race was not that old? Well it could be if others from an older race built it.

When we look at the great pyramid of Giza we are told there is much evidence showing where the Egyptian workers lived as they built this pyramid. The Egyptian government tells us inside the great pyramid there is writing which was put there by the workers proving the Egyptians built the structures. One of the things which puzzles us is the fact there are watermarks on the great pyramid and yet there has been no water in the area for about 8,000 to 10,000 years. So where did these high watermarks come from? There was certainly no Egyptians around in those days, so who would have built the great pyramid? Archaeologists have found some of the advanced ancient sites found on this planet were much older than first thought. Could one of these races have built the pyramids? If so why would Egyptian workers have built camps near the pyramids so they could work on it? Could it be the Egyptians didn’t build the pyramids at Giza, but they did renovate them? We renovate things all the time, so why wouldn’t an ancient race who had structures in their country not want to preserve them?

This brings up another question. We know the Sphinx was dug out of the sand. So a reasonable person would have to ask the question what else is under there? There could be so much that is being kept from us. There has been talk for many years not only about tunnels under the Sphinx and the pyramids, but also about huge underground cities which are very ancient. As I mentioned before it has been said this secret is fanatically guarded by the Egyptian government who doesn’t want anyone to know there were others there before them who were responsible for much of this construction. This begs the question who would have built these huge underground cities and how do we really know they are there? Let me answer the second question first. Several ancient historians from Syria, Greece and Rome mentioned the fact these cities exist along with many tunnels. It seems in ancient times the Egyptians were quite eager to show these things to visitors, unlike today. Herodotus wrote about what was described as a famous labyrinth under the pyramids and said it contained fifteen hundred rooms and an equal number of chambers which he was not allowed to inspect.

Getting back to the question of who would have been capable of building these underground cities before the Egyptians even existed as a race brings us to some very ancient sites around the world. One example is the ancient ruins at Pumapunku which was built by the Tiwanaku people of ancient Bolivia. The ruins consist of machined blocks which are precisely made and contain interlocking cutouts which bear no sign of machining and yet the edges are so sharp you could cut your finger on one. Many different dates have been given for this ruin and nobody understands how such advanced construction could have taken place and yet there it is and it is believed to be at least eight thousand years old with some saying it is far older. Construction at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey shows humans were capable of erecting columns and incredible carvings in stone and even more incredible is the fact it has been dated to about 9,000 BC. Consider this fact, it has been said humans learned how to grow crops ten thousand years ago, which means this would have been built a thousand years before. Could it be there were races of people out there which had capabilities far beyond what we are giving the human race credit for today? If there were, perhaps one of these cultures lived in what is Egypt today and they were responsible for many of the monuments which we have given the Egyptians credit for.

If there are cities under the Giza Plateau along with tunnels connecting many of the monuments there, there are probably artifacts. One has to wonder what we could learn by examining some of these objects. Many of the world’s ancient mysteries might be able to be solved, such as the location of Atlantis. We believe we have found a piece of pottery which shows a view of Atlantis, but not its location. Perhaps an ancient map might exist?

The Egyptians should allow scientists to explore what is under the Giza Plateau. We are almost positive these things exist because recently ground penetrating radar showed there were vacant spaces under the Sphinx. Ancient documents told of an entrance which led from under the Sphinx to under the great pyramid and then to vast caverns. Presumably this would be where the ancient cities would be located. It is important for science to know what is under there and hopefully one day we will find out.