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Drawings And Marks On The Earth

There are a lot of places on earth which contain mysterious marks and symbols. Sometimes we don’t know what they mean and we may not know who created them. There are cases where different designs appear which were put there by humans recently. It turns out there are a few artists who like to create huge works of what they call art and sometimes they appear in remote places. It has gotten easier to tell when this happens, because we can now view these areas as they looked in the past and if these creations are not there when the photo was taken we know they are recent. An example of this is a giant swirling design which was created in a desert in Egypt. Three artists had taken the time to create this large work. Another example appeared in Cyprus. A giant Turkish flag was created in the landscape. Aside from these modern examples, there are quite a few others some of which we can't even accurately date, because they are so old.

 Humming Bird

Great examples of ancient lines which have been carved into the earth appear in the Nazca Desert in Peru. Gigantic drawings of animals and geometric figures appear all over the desert. If you are at ground-level, you might not even notice them, because they are too large to be taken in by your eyes. This is not true when they are being observing from the air. It seems they were created to be seen from the air and yet it is believed they were created somewhere between 500 BC and 500 A.D. We know there was nothing in the air in those days so archaeologists have assumed these figures were created so the gods could see them and where are god’s located, they are located in the sky. Some of the figures which were created were of a giant monkey, a hummingbird and a condor, just to mention a few. It was relatively easy to make these figures since the desert has some sort of lighter material under its surface and when you scrape the sand away the lighter material becomes visible. While the mechanical part was easy to do, creating figures on the ground which cannot be seen on the ground must have been a chore indeed.


It is important to note the swastika was not always a Nazi symbol. In ancient times some races considered it a good luck symbol. Somebody built a swastika into the ground in Turgai, Kazakhstan. This swastika is much more stylized than the one we are used to seeing. It is not known exactly how old this swastika is, but archaeologists are making educated guesses. Swastikas have been in use to denote power and prosperity for twelve thousand years. This one is ancient and very large, being about 150 meters in width. The swastika is made from wood. One thing which is amazing about Kazakhstan is the fact it has many of these ancient structures and drawings. Scientists believe a Neolithic settlement existed near where some of these structures were found. What they can’t understand is how these were built, because they believe there wasn’t enough people in the settlement to do this. Another large structure is the Ashsutastinsky cross. This structure was made by small piles of dirt. The size of the cross is somewhere around 500 meters wide and high. Archaeologists argue over the dates for these structures, but more agree on the fact the structures are about 2,800 years old. As with most things we find these dates could change. Of all the objects in this area the biggest is a square surrounding an “X”. The square is about 500 meters on each side. It is thought by some it may have been built as an Observatory to track the sun.

Sometimes strange carvings are found in the earth, also strange mounds and from space they look like a type of writing. There is a lake in Iceland which is covered with ice and in that ice is a pattern of what seems to be squarish lettering, but not of any known language. Obviously it is not ancient and someone had to put it there and it extends quite a distance across the ice surface. It does make one wonder what it is doing there and who created it. As it happens many times when people can't explain something, they suggest it is alien in nature. If we think about it in a rational way, why would an alien come down to earth and write on a frozen lake? It doesn’t make much sense to me and this is not a case where something can only be seen from space, because this can be seen by just looking out over the lake. The pattern is so perfect it doesn’t seem it could be caused naturally. There is no doubt it is mysterious, but we would probably find there is a human hand behind it.

Large holes are being discovered all over Siberia. One hole was measured at 330 feet wide and some have been measured at 330 feet deep and there may even be deeper and wider ones. This is another case where initially it was said they must be created by aliens, but scientists believe they have found the cause of all of these holes and they are created by gas in the ground pushing up. It is said the gas explodes and blows the holes outward. No one knows how many more holes may be created this way. One good thing is Siberia is sparsely populated.


There is a mile long band of holes in Peru and some scientists attribute this to the Incas. There have been many guesses on what these holes represent and why there were made. One guess by scientists is these holes were somehow used to figure rates of exchange. Others guess the holes may have been created as a way of gathering water. There are believed to be about six thousand. Scientists have been wondering about these holes for a long time and as you can see they still don’t agree on what they were for.

We talk about other planets containing strange surface features and many of us never give a thought to what might be here on our own planet. There are many mysterious things on the earth and some are so mysterious we really don’t know much about them. I am only talking about things that are on land and since our planet is mostly water who knows what we might find one day when we explore the oceans. Very little of the oceans has been explored today.