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Our Ancient Past

When it comes to ancient discoveries there are those who believe some of the important ones have been kept from us. We see a lot of speculation about certain places on the earth and how they came into being. Some of these places exhibit technology which is even beyond what we have today. How can one explain this? Some say the aliens did it, while others might say we were more advanced in our past than we are being told. Personally I’m kind of tired of hearing about things which we can’t explain and always being attributed to aliens. Let’s face it, so far most of us don’t even know if aliens exist and yet we give them credit. Is the true history of the human race being kept from us? This question would assume that there are people who know the true history and we can’t even be sure of that. What we can be sure of is places exist on this planet which exhibit technology which should not be there. Let’s examine some of these places and structures.

Pumapunku is a city which was built by the Tiwanaku race of people who lived in Bolivia. The stonework is so incredible builders today wish they were capable of creating the same type of work. Interlocking stones which are so perfectly sculptured are scattered throughout the city. The cutouts are so sharp one can cut their finger on them very easily still today. Even more astounding is the fact the cutouts of the stone are so perfect that each stone is completely identical in the way it was fabricated. Many believe there must have been an assembly line to do this which used tools more advanced than we have today. This is only part of the story however since each stone bears no tool mark and seems to have been fashioned by something equivalent to a laser. There is a theory which states there was an advanced race living on this planet many years ago and they had figured out how to use sound to make perfect carvings and used sound devices to move huge stones. Metal clamps were used which fit into grooves on the stone to hold them together. It is thought this method was used to try and make the buildings earthquake resistant. Here is the best part, the city is at least 10,000 years old and many believe it could be far older.

It seems that South America has experienced some very advanced building techniques in its distant past.

There is a place called Gobekli Tepe located in Turkey. You will hear age estimates from 9000 years BC back to 20,000 years BC for this place. The truth is no one really knows how old Gobekli Tepe is, all they know is it is extremely ancient. Limestone pillars are set in the ground with beautiful carvings of animals on them. Some of the carvings show animals completely carved out of the stone like statues while the stone itself is carved into a pillar. You have to realize that according to science this place cannot exist, because there is no way to do these carvings since metal didn’t exist so there were no metal tools, yet here we are. The site has a lot of interesting aspects and one part of it is sort of a circular ditch which has been fitted out with stone and contains some of the pillars I talked about. All the parts clearly show the remnants of what could have been buildings. After all these years it is hard to tell if there was a covering over these ruins. Humans was supposed to be nomadic at the time, so why would they have settled somewhere long enough to erect the shrines if that is what they were? When the German archaeological team under Clause Schmidt found these ruins in 1996 they believed they were early Neolithic sanctuaries.

I don’t know about you, but I have always suspected dams were relatively modern. I got the surprise of my life when I found out there was a dam, a very large dam which was built in 750 BC. Again we are dating something which could be far older than we suspect, but for now I will go along with this date. The dam is in Yemen, which is not a place one would think contained much water. Dams are complex things and to think an ancient race could master this type of building seems incredible, especially when you consider the fact they didn’t have any concrete. After the Sabaens built the dam it stood for over 1000 years, I wonder how long Boulder Dam will be able to stay in use? To give you an idea of how big this dam was, think of the length of Hoover dam and multiply by two. Yes that’s correct the dam was 2000 feet long. The name of the dam is the great dam of Marib. The dam lasted from 750 BC to 600 AD, an incredible feat. In 600 A.D. the dam finally burst.

We believe we are very advanced today, but are we really that advanced or are we just starting to catch up to where we were in the past? Why would anyone want to hide our history? Could it be there are things in our true history which might frighten us or destroy many of our beliefs which would then wreck our society? Some people believe this is true and they say we couldn’t take the truth. When you think about it, we don’t even know where we came from. We suddenly appeared on this planet roughly 200,000 years ago. We are told we evolved into humans, but did we really or did we come from somewhere else? There is a movement which states we came from Mars when the atmosphere started to fail and that is why we appeared so abruptly on this planet. While there may only be a few scientists who believe this right now, it is a possibility and if there are ruins on Mars it will show there was intelligent life on that planet at one time and it could have been us.

Something certainly is going on here which we don’t understand. Great structures were being built using gigantic stones which we can’t even move today with our heaviest equipment. This is an undeniable fact and examples of it appear everywhere. This proves at least one thing and probably a lot more, it proves the ancients knew something we no longer know today. That secret may have been rediscovered by Edward Leedskalnin who built the Coral Castle in Florida. He built it himself out of huge blocks of coral which was so heavy no machine could have lifted some of them. No one observed him building a castle and it is said he did so at night. He then moved the entire castle in a day or two to a new location using only a rickety truck which could have never supported the coral blocks the castle was made of.

There are just too many mysteries in our past to which we don’t have any answers.