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Ancient Engineering, Building and Architecture

There have been some incredible architects in history. Some were known and some were unknown, but if I was asked who was the greatest builder of all times I would have to say Hemon or Hemiunu, because it is believed he was the architect who built the Great Pyramid which stood as the tallest structure in the world for 3,800 years. I would include King Herod who built and designed the first huge port using cement which dried underwater and the Roman Army. The Roman Army is included, because they were fantastic builders and it almost seems like they could build anything. They had some incredible accomplishments. There have been structures which have been built in history which have changed the world and others which were failures. There is no doubt the Egyptian pyramids were a huge success even though we really don’t know their purpose. We are told they were tombs, but no bodies were ever found inside one. We have been led to believe the Egyptian pyramids were the first and it has even been pointed out how crude ones were first built and the pyramids evolved. Then it happened, much older pyramids were found in other place around the world, but we don’t hear much about them.

The Roman Army was incredible when it came to building. It was able to build things in a shorter amount of time than we can today. The year was about 55 B.C. Julius Caesar and his army were involved in the Gallic War. This army was considered absolute masters of engineering. This sounds easy to say, but there is proof of this in the form of a bridge. Caesar was said to be at the head of a force of about 35,000 Romans and wanted to invade Germania, because the Romans were feeling threatened by the hoards there, but the Rhine River stood in their way. The enemy numbered in excess of 200,000. Caesar ordered his men to build a bridge across the river and in one short week to the horror of the Germans the bridge was completed and the Romans crossed. The hordes of Germans were so scared they ran away as Caesar and his men rode and marched over their land. Eventually Caesar ordered his men to go back and as they did they ripped up the bridge behind them.

Another incredible Roman feat of engineering occurred during the siege of Masada. It started in 73 A.D. and ended a year later. A Jewish historian tells us what happened. The fortress of Masada was on top of what was considered an impregnable mountain. It had cisterns for water and there was plenty of food available. The pathway to the top was so narrow only one person at a time could climb up it. It was felt no army could ever get up it. This is the place where Jewish rebels retreated to for safety from the Romans. Unfortunately for the rebels they didn’t understand that mere mountains couldn’t stop the Romans. A force of about 9,000 soldiers, and a few thousand auxiliary units and others built a wall around the mountain so no one could escape. The rebels numbered just under 1,000. Immediately the engineers in the Roman Army began their work and started to build an inclined ramp. The rebels watched in horror as the ramp got closer and closer to the top of the mountain. When it finally reached the top, the Romans began to push a huge siege machine up the ramp. When it reached the top this was the end for the rebels and they knew it so they jumped off the mountain to their deaths. The Romans had done something considered impossible and this was accomplished, because of their great engineering skill.

King Herod is recognized as the great builder of ancient Israel. He was such a great builder that some today consider him the greatest of all builders. Herod was responsible for many buildings which were constructed in his time. He built a huge temple which is said to have been greater than any which came before it. He built many public works such as theaters and amphitheaters and hippodromes in honor of Caesar. I guess he knew which side his bread was buttered on and who the true rulers really were. He built fortresses in the desert and supplied them with water sources. One of his greatest ventures was the building of a port at Caesarea Maritima. He was aware the Romans had invented cement which could dry underwater. He had huge wooden boxes built, floated onto the water and then filled with the cement and sunk. This is how he built the piers. While a good part of the construction is underwater today, it can still be seen in all its massive glory. The port became very successful and eventually became the headquarters of the Roman government in Palestine. An aqueduct was built to bring fresh water to the city.

We can’t really be sure if there are constructions which were lost to time we don’t know about. As I said at the beginning of this article, we have found huge pyramids which are far larger than the Great Pyramid in Egypt, but you really have to dig for information about them. One would think the countries where they are located would want the publicity and tourist trade, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Some say this is being done to protect the Egyptian tourist trade, but I am afraid I don’t buy this. There seems to be other reasons why this is being more or less hushed up.

You have to wonder if some of the things we have created in modern times will ever be as highly regarded as the ancient constructions and if our abilities as engineers, builders and architects will ever be considered to be on a par. There isn’t very much which we have created which will be able to stand the test of time. Do you think the Empire State building will be around for 3,800 years from now? I can guarantee it will not, but the Great Pyramid might still be. We don’t build to last. Engineers have said with proper maintenance and the occasional rehabilitation a skyscraper can last a few centuries. The things we built which will last the longest are the carvings we have cut into mountains such as Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monument.