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Ancient Human Presence Doesn’t Add Up

Have you ever wondered how old the human race really is or do you accept what science is telling us? According to scientists humans have been around for about 200,000 years. If we accept this proposition than humans made almost no technical progress for 97.5 percent of that time. Did you ever wonder how this could be and how humans could be satisfied to just stand still? Experts will tell you humans were just too busy trying to stay alive and many will buy that argument, but there is a part of humanity we all know exists and that part has to do with curiosity and inventiveness. It is hard for me to believe we just spent 190,000 years running from animals that wanted to eat us and looking for food. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. In all that time we must have noticed seeds in food and it is hard to believe we were so stupid for so long that no one tried to grow these plants by planting the seeds. It just seems inconceivable. There is another explanation which some believe is true and it states we were slaves for most of the time and were used to dig for precious metals in mines and our masters were extraterrestrials and one day there was a large revolt and out masters decided to leave, because we were just too much trouble to manage.

Another group believes our brains were not as advanced as they became and state since brains disintegrate when we die no brain has ever been recovered of a truly ancient human, only bones. We have found some mummies, but even the oldest does not go back anywhere near the time period in question. Could it be even if our ancient brains were the same size they are now, they were not as fully developed or even wired in the same way and because of this ancient humans just didn’t have the curiosity or desire to create new things? If we compare the Neanderthal brain to the modern human brain we find out something quite startling and it is the Neanderthals had bigger brains. We know this, because the brain capacity of the Neanderthal skull was bigger than our own. Neanderthals were around for over 500,000 years and seemed to accomplish almost nothing aside from a few stone tools and crude skins for clothes. Were humans headed the same way and did something change this path?

We are being told every day, well a lot anyway, we are evolving and doing it faster than ever before. I guess this is based on our abilities, but is this really what is happening? Could it be something else which is happening to us which is mistakenly being cited as evolution? One interesting theory which I have thought about is what I call the virus theory. Simply this means a virus from space, perhaps carried on an asteroid or meteor, or even traveling on its own crashed into the planet and in so doing altered our brain patterns and gave us this curiosity and inventiveness. We have recently learned viruses and other building blocks can travel through space and who knows what might happen if a certain type released something into the atmosphere? Then too it might not be these things came from outer space, but were blown out by a volcano and actually came from inside the earth.

Next I want to mention what some Ufologists think is happening. Some of them believe we are slowly being programmed somehow with information which is advancing our race. Some say we get these ideas when we are asleep, but also at other times and it is all part of some plan by extraterrestrials to advance our race. Why would an advanced race of extraterrestrials want to do this? I guess this is what used to be known as the $64,000 question. There are several opinions on this. One of them states we are being brought up to snuff with the other races which are out there and want to admit us into a sort of space United Nations. This is one of the more pleasant ideas. Some of the others are not so pleasant. Another idea is we are being manipulated to create a race of intelligent soldiers who will be used to fight in alien wars. This goes along with the fact many of these people think some of us are already being used this way and that is why we have so many missing people every year.

Another theory states we are increasing our intelligence ourselves through secret means and there are those who claim we are sending people into the future to fight for the earth. To back up this unusual story there are those who claim they have done this and returned back to their proper time. When I hear about time travel being cited I always have to wonder how it could ever work, for example if I sent you into the future for twenty years and you came back, wouldn’t you be twenty years older? It is a very sticky proposition and I really don’t think short of doing it, we really would know what the ramifications of it would be.

There are some who say science is wrong when it says we have been on earth for 200,000 years and what they are finding as remains may look like humans, but are not and we came from somewhere else, possibly Mars or even from a planet which existed in what is now the asteroid belt. Some say we may have come from the supposed mysterious 9th planet which is now said to exist or from one of the moons in our solar system. We could even have come from somewhere outside of the solar system and our ship could have been marooned on the earth and that is how the human race stared. There are a lot of different ways humans could have come about.

It certainly doesn’t seem we would have been around as long as the scientists say and yet made almost no progress in technology for so long. It looks to me we should have created something more advanced even if it was done by accident. Does anyone really think we wouldn’t have discovered metal in over 190,000 years or even clay for bowls? Something just doesn’t add up.