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More Ancient Finds

There was a very interesting story released and it concerns ancient cave paintings in Australia. It has long been known some very ancient paintings exist on that continent. The paintings were conservatively dated to about the same period as those found in European caves, but there was never any proof of their age and many did not agree with this assessment. There are quite a few people who believe these paintings are much older, but their date flies in the face of established scientific theories, so science has never accepted it. Well guess what happened in the interim? A new system of dating is being experimented with which is much more accurate. The traditional method relies on carbon dating but this doesn’t work when there is a lack of organic matter and even then some claim it can be very inaccurate at times depending on the circumstances. Researchers are now estimating that the paintings can be 50,000 years old making them the oldest on the planet, but there are some who claim they are even older and the tests will prove they date back 80,000 years.

The pictures are interesting no matter what their age. There are a couple of reasons for this. They show winged beings known as wandjinas. They were said to be from heaven and brought civilization and good fortune to the people. Here is the strange thing about that. Winged beings are depicted as gods by ancient people all over the earth. Why? If these painting are truly as old as some researchers think, there was probably no contact between the natives of Australia and the prehistoric people on the rest of the planet, so how come many depicted their gods with wings? There is another strange thing about the pictures, they show these beings wearing sandals and yet it is believed the Australian natives never had them. There is also something strange about the feet of the beings depicted, some feet have only 3 toes and some have 7. I am looking forward to the definitive answer on the age of these paintings.

Mosaics were discovered in the ancient Greek city of Zeugma. They are estimated to be about 2,200 years old. Discovering ancient mosaic art is not so unusual but this art is incredible, so incredible you have to see it to believe it. I am including the address to a photo and article about the mosaics so you can see it for yourself. It will appear at the end of this paragraph. The work is so fine it is hard to believe it is a mosaic and it is so well preserved it look brand new. While the city the mosaics were discovered in was Greek, the mosaics are Roman. This city was part of the Roman Empire at the time. What is almost unbelievable is the fact between 2,000 and 3,000 homes in the city are well preserved. The city’s excavations started in 2007 and continue to wow archaeologists to this day. One of the reasons for the remarkable preservation is probably the fact it was underwater until the year 2,000. Here is the address to the website, you can copy and paste it into your web browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts does not use live links.

Did you ever wonder how long a finger print can last? Don’t worry about it, neither did I. The only reason I even mention the fact is a 3,000 year old finger print was found. The finger print was left on the lid of an Egyptian coffin. Scientists think the finger print belonged to the workman who made the coffin and left his finger print in the varnish before it dried, preserving the finger print for 3,000 years. In a way the workman became as immortal as the royal person buried in the box, apparently the coffin maker had some parts left from a previous job and the coffin shows he added them to the new coffin. Cuts were made while building the coffin which went across old dowel holes and there were other holes which were filled in. The coffin was built for Nes-Amun the brother of Amenhotep. It makes me wonder if the workman got away with something. I wonder how Nes-Amun would have felt if he found out the coffin was clapped together from old parts. The ancient Egyptians took their death ceremonies and burials very seriously.

One of the latest devices to be used in archaeology is LIDAR. It is a combination of Laser and Radar and when used from a plane, it can display things which are under the earth. This is precisely what happened when it was put on a plane which was flown over the United Kingdom. Five Roman roads were discovered which no one knew existed. Roman roads connected important Roman sites and allowed the Roman army to get from one place to another in a reasonable amount of time. Scientists are positive there are many more Roman roads to be found.
We have heard many times how birds developed from dinosaurs. The remains of giant flightless birds which resembled dinosaurs have been found and Chinese scientists have determined they lived in the Arctic Circle about 50 million years ago. After looking at an artist’s conception of what the animal would have looked like, I think I would have rather taken my chances with a dinosaur. The bird is known as Gastornis and scientists believe it would have stayed in the Arctic Circle year around since there was plenty of food there. Scientists have said the toe bone is identical to toe bones found in Wyoming. Some scientists feel this is very strange due to the distances between these two places. Perhaps the scientists are looking at the locations as they are today, but they would have been much different back that long ago.

A 93 mile long wall has been found in Jordan and it is puzzling scientists. They have no idea who built it or why. It is known as Khatt Shebib. The wall was discovered in 1948 by Sir Alec Kirkbride, a British diplomat in Jordan. He discovered it while in a plane. He had looked out the window and saw the wall running across the countryside. Scientists have found the wall runs north-northeast to south-southwest for 66 miles. There are sections where two walls run side by side and other sections where the wall branches off. Was this a defensive wall or perhaps only marked a boundary? Scientists have found structures which they call towers. They say they run alongside the wall.


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