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Construction Secrets of the Ancients

We live on a planet of secrets. We really have no idea of our true history and who came before us in our dim past. There are clues all over this planet that point to at least two different conclusions. The first would be advanced aliens were living here. The second conclusion is either humans or some race before them were more advanced than we are today. There are ruins all over this planet which bare the sign of advanced technology, some of which is so advanced it surpasses anything we have today. Many archaeologists know this and when they see things like this all they can do is scratch their heads. They must secretly feel there is a lot more to this picture than they know about. I think one of the most annoying things must be the fact that humans had the secret of moving huge stones and had this ability right through the time of the Romans, but then it became lost. Some ancient people were able to move things that we could not today even with all advanced equipment.

The ancient Egyptians had this ability as did the ancient Greeks and Romans. Somehow it was also available around the ancient world. This leads me to believe there was some kind of communication between the new world and the old and there was also an exchange of ideas. One of the more amazing things is the fact a race like the ancient Egyptians, that wrote down almost everything, never explained how they moved these huge stones and there are no notes by the Greeks or Romans and nothing by the Indian civilizations of South and Central America. It does make you wonder why? Was the process considered holy and only known to priests who eventually died out? There is really no way to explain why this didn’t become common knowledge. One can only guess and in this case we are talking about pure speculation.

Before I get into some of the places where gigantic rocks have been moved I would like to talk about Tiwanaku, also known as Tiahuanaco and Tiahuanafu. This is a very ancient site and many believe it dates back between 12,000 and 14,000 years. To me this site is the ultimate proof that there were ancients who were at least as advanced as we are today if not more. What makes this site so incredible is the fact U-shaped building blocks with perfectly uniform angles and holes are all over the site. They seem to fit together and the technology used to create them was far more advanced than what we have today. It is believed they must have been created in a factory of some sort. The angles are so sharp one could cut themselves on an edge if not careful. The holes drilled are so perfect we would have a hard time matching them today. There is a theory about Tiwanaku which states there may have been a huge building on the site which was destroyed by the great flood. Some scientists and engineers believe this, because of the way the blocks are strewn. I would like to add to the fact that there are also scientists who believe the site could be far older than what I have said and may have had a landing strip nearby.

One of the most outstanding jobs of stone work was accomplished by the Romans. They built a temple complex at the city of Baalbek, which is also known as Heliopolis and is located in modern-day Lebanon. What makes this complex so incredible are the three stones known as the Trilithon. Each one of the stones weigh in excess of 800 tons. How in the world could anyone or any society move such enormous stones? One thing we know is that the Romans were great engineers, but even they outdid themselves this time. Engineers and scientists have been guessing about this for centuries. Some say the stones were moved by the Nephilim, giants mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible in Genesis. It is said Nimrod ordered the Giants to build the complex. Now for a little reality, somehow the Romans who were the greatest engineers on earth figured out how to do this. Then of course there is always someone saying aliens moved the blocks. How many times have I heard people say aliens must’ve done something, just because they couldn’t figure out how that particular thing was accomplished? If I had a nickel for every time I would be a rich man by now. There is a carved stone near the complex called the Stone of the Pregnant Woman. It is partially sticking out of the ground and weighs over 1000 tons. It got its name because a legend said a pregnant woman knew how to lift it. Apparently the Romans were going to use it, but changed their minds.

The Incas in Peru also know the secret of moving heavy stones and the proof is they built the city of Machu Picchu on top of a mountain. The city sits at 7970 feet above sea level which means every stone had to be brought up to it. The city is often referred to as the lost city of the Incas. What is interesting is the fact the city was built far later than anything even Roman and yet the Incas still had the know-how on how to move large rocks. It is estimated the city was built in 1450 A.D. the Incas didn’t even have the wheel so they were not as advanced as the Romans before them. Some of the stones weigh several tons and we are asked to believe they were pushed to the top of the mountain. It has been said that 60% of the effort to build Machu Picchu took place under the ground, because foundations had to be erected and a freshwater supply created. Not only didn’t the Incas have the wheel, they didn’t have iron or steel and yet found a way to build a stone city on top of a mountain which contained over 140 buildings.

The Parthenon in Greece was also built using gigantic stonework. It took the ancient Greeks 8 to 9 years to build and yet is taking the modern Greeks far longer to repair it. Does this say something about ancient technology? Some parts of the Temple are accurate to within a fraction of a millimeter, a feat we would be hard-pressed to accomplish today. An architect stated that we are not as good today as they were then. He was referring to their ability to build and design temples. One fact of interest is it was estimated the cost of building the Parthenon was somewhere between 342 to 800 silver talents. One silver talent at the time could pay a month’s wages to 170 oarsmen. We do not know how two huge stone blocks were moved which are contained in the Temple, but we do know the moving of huge stone blocks had been going on for thousands of years.

Were some of the ancients more advanced than we are today in some areas, especially in building? It certainly seems so.


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