Truth Facts



Where Did the Neanderthals Come From?

How do we know what ancient discoveries are all from humans? We were wrong when we assigned stone tools only to humans and then recently found out Neanderthals had also made stone tools. Unfortunately, some archaeologists, and scientists can get very pompous when they are questioned about the accuracy of the descriptions of their finds. When Charles Darwin first expressed his theories on evolution they didn’t seem to be as hard and unforgiving as they became after his death. They became almost religious and his commandments were not to be denied and if someone did, they were thrown out of their profession or disgraced. At least that is the impression I got over the years.

While we, the regular people, don’t hear the voices of those scientists and philosophers very much who do not believe in evolution, they exist. In the case of human life, evolution being true would mean we eventually came from chemicals and we could trace that through all sorts of life until it reached us, but where did those chemicals come from which were supposedly the seeds of life? If you said the stars, then you have to ask where did they come from and so forth until you find something that cannot be explained when looking for its origin. The same would-be true no matter what path we tried to follow, there is always some connection that leads to a dead-end.

The same is true in some cases for dating objects. Since stone can not be dated when used in structures, a structure dated at 10,000 years old could easily be double, or triple that date or more. Dating of stone is often based on vegetation or soil. The vegetation between the stones can be dated, but there are even cases when the findings are ignored because scientists believe the date doesn’t fit the scenario.

Could it be Neanderthals and others thought as forerunners of humans are responsible for other things we have given credit to modern humans for? Now that we are finding out Neanderthals might have been as smart or smarter than us in some ways maybe humans learned other things from them, after all we did share the earth with them for about 50,000 years before they all disappeared. Maybe we will find out some day the reason we can’t find Atlantis is not that it didn’t exist, it is far older than we thought and was founded by Neanderthals or some other premodern humans who we under estimated. Neanderthals were here for at least 430,000 years and we keep finding out they were much smarter than thought.

Neanderthal skulls have been studied by scientists and they have found their brains were approximately the same size as ours and sometimes slightly bigger. Could there have been a race of the bigger brained Neanderthals? Perhaps some of the ancient structures we have found are much older than the date which was given them. If this ever turns out to be true it might mean some Neanderthals figured out how to move those giant rocks and later taught early modern humans those secrets.

Sometimes speculation can be fun, especially when we are talking about areas which others don’t mention. The poor Neanderthals were classified as muscular dumb brutes who couldn’t even talk and that idea lasted for quite some time. There are sometimes those who claim we were much more advanced but were attacked by an alien race which bombed us back to the Stone Age. Maybe the Neanderthals were an advanced race or even the advanced race which this was done to? I say that because if one studies Neanderthals, they will find they were better equipped to survive than we were. They were far stronger, probably as smart, but just disappeared which made it easier for us to become the dominant race on earth. I find it hard to believe they could have been here for all those hundreds of thousands of years and not started some sort of technological civilization. When we all thought they were dumb brutes it could have been that way I guess, but now we know  better. Maybe we are giving the human race too much credit for some things, like certain hunting equipment like the spear and perhaps even the more advanced bow and arrow.

When scientists talk about evolution that take things like fossilized bones and try and show a progression of development and then assume one set came before the other and influenced that development. The thing is how do they know they are correct? We don’t even know for sure that a race developed on earth, it could have been brought here from somewhere else. Perhaps we will find out in the future Neanderthals were brought here from Neanderthal world, or they were the original inhabitants here and we were brought here. Without using evolution as a principle how would we explain what the world looks like? One way would be by admitting God exists and created things. Another way is by admitting we don’t really know what is going on, and a third way is the old excuse, the aliens were responsible.

There are things by ancient people from all different past ages which we are at a loss to figure out. Take the Nazca Lines for example. In the 1930s, as airplanes were flying over Peru, they saw huge drawings of animals and symbols. We didn’t know they existed, because they were so large they could only be seen from the air. That raises the question how could they be drawn on earth in any sensible way? Did these people from 2,000 years ago have someone in a balloon, or other flying device directing the construction of the drawings, if not it seems like an impossible task? The second question is why draw them if no one on the ground could see them? One answer might be they were meant for the Gods to admire. A second might be for extraterrestrials to see who were flying in UFOs.

Here is my favorite mystery, how were huge stones moved in ancient times and used in construction when some would be too heavy for us today even with our machines? This is one of the greatest mysteries of all and it seems many ancient races had the secret, so why don’t we know how to do this today? Does anyone really believe all those ancient races kept the process secret, or did they have some help we don’t know about who moved the rocks for them? Would that mean that extraterrestrials were cooperating and in contact with many races of ancient humans?

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