Truth Facts



Giving Credit To Humans

Getting back to things which seen to indicate there were people on earth which might have  been civilized before civilization might have existed, we have to look how the earth operates. First of all, what seems like a lot of time passing is just a blink to the earth. I mean what is a few million years to a planet which is said to be 4.5 billion years old by some scientists and much older by a few others. Does anyone not think there could have been other advanced races on our planet before us? Remember I am not saying there were, just if you think it was possible.

What would we find if we could drain the oceans and even some of the very deep lakes? Could it be the remnants of lost cities or even countries? According to some experts, mountains can rise up in as little as 10 million years, and take up to 100 million years to disappear. I would imagine as these mountains are being formed they would destroy anything in their area, so the act of forming and then disappearing would wipe out any evidence of a previous race.

Even a stone building over the course of millions of years could be the victim of the dynamic earth. We can see how some of the ancient Maya buildings would have eventually disappeared if humans didn’t rescue them. Trees start to grown out of them forcing the blocks apart, dirt and jungle begin to cover them and over the years, the stones are all covered, moved and sink. It is as if the earth is trying to hide any evidence of prior life.

There could be records of ancient civilizations which no longer exist. The oldest petroglyphs which were said to be found dated back to 40,000 years, just a mere dribble in time. Could a petroglyph, which is a shallow carving into stone last much longer when not exposed to the elements? There is a cave painting which was found in South Africa and has been dated at 73,000 years old. When I am talking about prior races existing on the planet, I am talking about far before the dinosaurs appeared. This idea has never taken hold in science, where scientists are trying to draw a sort of chart from the first animal to now, without even considering there could have been other races in between.  Some say there is no such evidence, but when we are talking about so long ago, the chances of finding evidence is very slim to none. This doesn’t necessarily mean there weren’t much more ancient civilizations here at one time.

Even in what I like to call our own time when science admits Homo sapiens were on the planet we have indications there might have been advanced races which were far ahead in technology from everyone else. Signs of lost races appear in many places. The latest is claiming Gunung Padany is the oldest pyramid in the world. First of all, no one should ever use that terminology. They should say it is the oldest one found so far. It is located in West Java in Indonesia and is said to be about 27,000 years old. While many people believe this is true, the magazine The Archaeologist has called it fake news. It has been my experience when any pyramid is said to be older than the Great Pyramid in Egypt the so called experts deny its age. The same thing was said when the pyramid in Bosnia was dated at more than 20,000 years old. The story was the archaeologist who found it was told not to say anything and he not only defied that, he got students to help him at the dig. I can’t help but think this is only the tip of the iceberg. What I mean by that is I feel there are probably more pyramids to be found that fit these ages. As I have said before I believe there was something going on about 20,000 years ago or more and we are not yet aware of it and even those that suspect it are not ready to come out and say anything about it.

There are those who think Puma Punku in Bolivia is a lot older than stated. It also bears the mark of a civilization so advanced that would have been beyond us in at least some areas. There are stones there which are all cut exactly the same to fit together like Legos. There are sharp cutouts in the stones which were made without machine marks or chisel marks and are EXACTLY the same on all the stones. It looks like they were cut with a laser. The ridges are so sharp you can cut a finger running it over the edges. Precise holes were somehow drilled on angles without any marks and all identical. Ancient Aliens theory attributes this to extraterrestrials, but maybe we should be thinking about something more down to earth like an advanced race.

It turns out an advanced race might have been instructing many of the ancient races in advanced construction practices. That is how they learned how to do some things we can’t even do today. I personally don’t discount the chance maybe extraterrestrials might have helped, but I think it is just as reasonable if not more, it was an advanced human race giving out some of its knowledge. Being an advanced race doesn’t mean they were just as advanced in all aspects. They could have been very advanced in building structures but still lacking some of the things we know today. On the other hand, they could have been far ahead of us. It seems to me the ancient Egyptians could not have built the Great Pyramid so accurately just using strings and sticks for measuring devices. Experts have said even today it would be quite hard if not impossible to equal the exact measurements of the Great Pyramid.

As we find new ancient structures we are finding we may have the ages wrong. Take the underground cities in Turkey for example. No one is exactly sure when some of them were created and even how they were created when all the people of the time were said to only have shovels, chisels and picks, and maybe not even all of those.

The oldest structure is said to be the temples at Gobekli Tepe, which have been dated at about 16,000 years old. Notice the pyramids which are said to be older are being avoided. There are a few who think Gobekli Tepe is much older and so is the Great Pyramid and Sphinx. Perhaps in the future we will find out they are right, but politics will stand in the way now, because that would mean the Egyptians didn’t build them and admitting this might hurt tourism.

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