Truth Facts



Could Pyramids Be Older Than We Think?

One thing I always wondered about was why were the Nazis so interested in the Antarctic? Did they think they might not win the war and would need a place to hide if this happened, or did they find something of interest there? Could we have investigated the continent to find that answer? If we did, it sure has been a well kept secret. Also, what was the truth about Operation Highjump where we sent a naval force there after the war and what did they find? I would like to know if it had anything to do with aliens and UFOs as some think. We know  the Germans were very interested in finding proof of Aryan life. Maybe they found proof there. It has been said by whistleblowers there is a very ancient pyramid there that is still emitting a signal and the United States has put a security zone around it and is conducting some sort of tests.

Have you noticed there seems to be a lot more talk about pyramids around the world in the last decade than before? It makes me wonder if some more have been discovered and if there are any with an ancient alien connection. Why are there so many pyramids around the world and some really ancient ones? Those which are very ancient were built at a time when we suspected there was no contact between different countries which were far away from each other, but this has been proven to be wrong.

Some say there must have been contact and people must have learned from each other how to build pyramids. They ignore the fact there might have been one master race, whether human or alien who could have went around instructing the people in those countries on how to build these things. They might have been listened to because if they were really advanced, they could have been considered gods.

Why the pyramid shape? Why not a star, or a rectangle, or some other shape? What is so compelling about building a structure in the shape of a pyramid, when it would have been easier to use a box shape? There have been people who have claimed pyramid shapes emit a certain power and have said they have tested the shape by using a small model of a pyramid and placing razor blades in it and they said they stay sharp no matter how many times they are used. Some have also said they kept food fresh this way, but scientists say they could not duplicate these things.

I have said this before, I believe the pyramid shape came about because the early UFOs which were pyramid shaped landed on earth and we can still see them coming here. Humans were imitating the shape to show respect for their alien gods and maybe trying to get them to come back after they left. This is exactly what happen when during World War 2 we were using Pacific islands as landing strips in places that had primitive races on them. When we stopped going there, the natives got upset and built planes out of sticks and grass to try and attract them back. This was called the cargo cult.

There seems to be an element to pyramids we just don’t understand and that is could they have served some other purpose and perhaps they are a test. Could they be a message for an alien society, or one which was on earth at one time and left? Some investigators think crop circles contain messages and when we decipher them we will have passed some sort of galactic test and be welcomed into some space community. Perhaps the pyramids were the first test and we didn’t pass and extraterrestrials are moving the test to the crops. Should we be studying the positions of the stars when each pyramid was built? It we did this and lined up the pyramids on Gaza in Egypt we find the pyramids was far older than claimed and the Egyptians didn’t build them. Maybe we are wrong about the dates on other pyramids and they are far older. I wrote an article a few months ago about a special date and it was 20,000 years ago and how some pyramids really date back to this time. Some people believe there are at least 3 or 4 pyramids which date back to this time and it has been proven in some cases by dating material found between the stones. We have also found that the oldest ruins in some cases could possibly date back to this time like Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. The main stream archaeologists think it is about 14,000 years old but some claim it could date back to as much as 20,000 years.

Was there a rash of highly sophisticated building going on at that time at we don’t realize it, could many of our dates for some structures be wrong? If so, is this fact being hidden because archaeology can’t account for this? It wouldn’t be the first time. If we look at evolution, some things which were found that didn’t fit the story were either left buried or sent off to museum basements never to be seen again.

If the suspected chamber below the sphinx would ever be allowed to be searched for, and if it existed, it could contain many of the answers we need to know about pyramids. I can understand why Egypt refused to let anyone search for it. They just have too much to lose if it exists. The chance there might be records showing the pyramid dates even before the existence of Egypt is too much of a risk to their tourist trade. I also believe they could have secretly searched for the chamber and found it, or didn’t find it. If they found it and it proved the pyramid was much older and Pre-Egyptian they would never tell anyone.

When one thinks about the Great Pyramid they have to realize it was built with a precision which we would have a hard time matching, if we even could. The ancient Egyptians had only sticks and rope made instruments, so how did they get it so symmetrical? One thing I would bet my bottom dollar on is we are going to find out the Egyptians did not build the first pyramids.

There have been a couple of announcements lately about very old pyramids being found which could be far older than the Egyptian ones. Some archaeologists believe they have found a pyramid in Indonesia which is older. A scientific paper was published stating Gunung Padang in the Cianjur District of West Java was not a hill as has been thought, but a very ancient pyramid. The hill which has been declared a human built pyramid by some scientists is said to be as old as 25,000 years. Pyramids in Peru have been dated to be about 5,000 years old making them older than the ones in Egypt. I believe there will be more found which are extremely ancient.

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