Truth Facts



Ancient Facts

Did you ever wonder why many ancient civilizations thought human sacrifice was a good thing? I know I did. Many ancient religions had adopted this method of trying to seek the pleasure of the gods. Some told their victims it was a great honor to be sacrificed and they would go directly to live with them. The idea was in many cases to guarantee good crops. Some of these races must have been very disappointed with they killed several people and yet still had bad crop yields. There may be, but I don’t know of any cases where the rulers sacrificed their children or relatives and if it was done it may have been to eliminate other claims to the throne.

It is claimed by historians the oldest religion is Hinduism. The main culture is said to never have practiced human sacrifice, but it is said certain ancient Tantric cults of Hinduism may have. If they did you have to wonder what made them wander from the norm? It is said some races which practiced human sacrifice just kept killing more and more people and this could be the reason why some of them disappeared without a trace. I am not saying they were all killed, but what I am saying is the people may just have had enough of this and abandoned their cities.

Some of the ancients were incredible engineers and architects. When the odd Maya city was found years ago, it was admired for its incredible buildings and organization, but that was about it. Today we realize a lot more. We wonder why we have found so many abandoned cities. We also realize these cities were not only well laid out; their locations were carefully planned. The Maya apparently figured out the best places to build these cities. The Maya built incredible cities with only stone tools. It wasn’t that they were backwards, the fact was they couldn’t find metal ore in their area. Their tools were usually made from Jadeite and obsidian. So far, we have found a tremendous number of Maya cities. There have been 417 located and there could be many more. Some of these cities date back to about 1,000 B.C.

The Aztecs were big on human sacrifice. They originated supposedly from a place named Aztlan, but this is only a legend. The culture became Mexican around the 13th century. They were very big on human sacrifice. It was reported the Aztecs had festivities during the reconsecration of the pyramid of Tenochtitlan which they took over. During four days they sacrificed over 80,000 prisoners. I’m sure that has to be a record for human sacrifice if true.

That still doesn’t tell us why some ancient people believe human sacrifice was the right thing to do. I think some people might credit this idea to mushrooms or something like that. Maybe some important ancient person became high and dreamed there were gods who wanted human bodies. I say bodies, because in the case of sacrificing enemies the high priests might not have done that if they really thought they were going to some sort of heavenly reward. This begs the question, why did they tell their own people that?

Another question I have is how come different races in different places all built pyramids? Was it just a coincidence? I personally do not think so. I don’t even think the Egyptian pyramids were the first. How come the base of the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico has the same size base as the Great Pyramid at Giza. This is just too much of a coincidence for me. It is as if there was some plan for pyramid building either passed down around the world, or people visited the pyramids in different places and came back to their homeland and started building them there.

I know, I keep going back to Bosnia and talking about a pyramid there. Even though some archaeologists won’t admit it exists, it is being excavated by the scientist that discovered it and his assistants. He even had the material found between the stones dated and the date came back as about 20,000 years old. When the pyramid was found, Dr. Osmanagic, the discoverer, was told not to say anything about a pyramid being found, it was said, but he immediately put out the word and asked for assistants. The idea of the pyramid is constantly being put down.

Information about another pyramid which got out to the public was the pyramid found in Antarctica. There are many stories about it being guarded by unknown people working for the U.S. government. It is said it puts out energy and only a very few people are allowed to see it. Again, the age is said to be around 20,000 years. There are also said to be ancient Chinese pyramids which have been covered over. Why, if this is true, are some countries trying to hide the fact they have pyramids for found pyramids? It seems like there is something they don’t want us to know.

We have been told we don’t know how the ancients moved huge stones into place, sometimes lifting them many feet to put them on top of other stones. Could it be there are some who know this secret and are keeping it to themselves for some reason? The Coral Castle in Florida, which was built by one man who seemed to know the secret when he placed very heavy coral stones in place without any machinery.

Did you know shrunken heads are always male? The reason for this is to stop the warrior from taking revenge. This is why it is so incredible one head was found which was female and the scientists can’t figure why a female head was shrunk. In the society which shrank the heads, women were never warriors.

Do you think we modern people were the first to fly? Some scientists suspect the materials for hot air balloons were around far earlier than we suspect and some ancient people could have been in the sky directing projects such as the Nazca Lines. We were shocked to find out the ancient Egyptians knew the principles of flight. We found this out when an ancient model airplane with the head of a bird was found in a tomb. It had all the right parts and was capable of gliding. There is also the amazing jewelry in the shape of jet planes. Models have been made from there dimensions and the planes fly, but the jewelry is over 1,000 years old.

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