Truth Facts



Possibility of Advanced Races

There is proof all around us which shows ancient races could have been even more advanced, at least in some areas, than we are today. Take for example the discovery of the Antikythera mechanism. It was a mechanical computer over 2,000 years old which was said to have been found on a Greek shipwreck and thus credited to the Greeks. I have yet to see anyone mention the fact the Greeks may have found it, and they did not make it. It is believed no known race had metal gears, let alone ones which were so precisely cut. Let’s say for fun it was not a Greek invention, where could it have come from? The place might have been Atlantis, if it really did exist, or some culture which disappeared and while Atlantis has never been proven yet to exist, but it is believed by some a golden library from a mysterious race of advanced unknown people did. Father Carlo Crespi, a missionary priest in Ecuador had said the people he was teaching began to bring him presents and some of those were artifacts and some were metallic tablets with strange writing. The artifacts were kept near the church, but a fire destroyed many of them. Most of the rest just disappeared over time. The golden books were also said to have depictions of pyramids and Egyptian symbols and even though the artifacts were in Ecuador the pyramids shown were not the usual step pyramids of South and Central America, but the same type as the Egyptian pyramids. Crespi died in 1982. In the 1960s an explorer claimed to discover a cave system which contained a man-made area which was full of gold and silver tablets with strange writing on them. It seemed to indicate an ancient advanced race could have lived in the area in the past. Eric Van Daniken wrote the book, Gold of the Gods, and spoke about the library, but credited it to extraterrestrials. No one has ever been able to find the library again and even Neil Armstrong, who had come back from the moon, went there to look for it.

When one thinks about the age of the earth, which has been estimated at about 4.5 billion years, but some believe is even older, it is reasonable to wonder if advanced races could have existed in the past and died out. This could have happened far more than once. According to scientists we modern humans have only been on the earth for about 400,000 years at the most. Scientists also think the earth became habitable a lot sooner than they originally thought.

Some of the incredible ancient ruins we have found are in places which are only partially dug out, because of this we don’t know what we might find, it could be advances or advanced methods of building we are unaware of today. Take Petra in Jordan for example. The buildings were carved out of the rock face. It was a very important trade center for centuries. Only about 15% of the area has been explored and dug. Since it was demonstrated the people there could have accomplished making the type of ornate buildings using some advanced carving methods, what else had they discovered? We could be in for some great surprises after the rest of the city is dug out.

History is full of things the ancients did which we can’t figure out or only discovered lately. For hundreds of years the cement the Romans created was far better than any cement anyone could make. Roman cement had a property we could not equal, it got harder over time and that is why some Roman buildings are still standing thousands of years later. We are just beginning to understand the formula today and how the cement was mixed hot. Could there be something else the Romans had which was very advanced and the answer is yes, nano technology. They left behind a cup which changed colors when light was shown through it. The cup was created using incredible small grains of silver and gold and the technology of the day suggests this should have been impossible for the Romans to do. There is a Roman object which might be something either advanced or with an advanced use and it is called a dodecahedron. Many Roman homes had one and its use still stumps us today.

China has mysteries and one of the great ones are the Baigong Pipes. Pipes were found leading to a pyramid on top of Mount Baigong. They seem to travel from a nearby salt lake. It has been said, no civilization has ever lived in this area because of its inhospitable to human life. The pipes are metal and seem to have been created in some sort of factory. When the pipes were tested it was found about 8% of the material in the pipes was unknown. Most scientists will tell us the pipes are nothing more than tree roots, but not everyone believes this. Some think an ancient unknown civilization created these pipes for reasons unknown.

Some articles found which are truly ancient contain writing or symbols which have yet to be deciphered. Such is the case with a 4,300 year old disc found in Crete. It has 45 different symbols on it, it is called the Phaistos Disc. One would think other symbols would be found on objects from the same period, but nothing has been found from that era.

One object which shows people were a lot more advanced than we suspected was the Baghdad Battery. How in the world did anyone back somewhere between 250 B.C. to 250 A.D. even know what electricity was and even find a use for it? Could it be this object was copied from a far superior unknown advanced race? Yes, this is just a random thought of mine. Scientists say it must have been used in gold plating, but they really don’t know that. It could have been a crude copy of a more advanced device and really had no use, but the electrical current and spark might have fascinated the primitive scientists of the time and it might have been used in experiments. I know my idea could be far from true, but one never knows and we should consider every possibility in these cases.

There are those who think some of the objects we have already discovered like the pyramids in Egypt and the Sphinx were not built by the ancient Egyptians, but by an earlier race and the Egyptians found them when they settled in Egypt. If this is true there is a possibility that race might not have even been modern humans like us.

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