Truth Facts



Early Humans

When we talk about the history of humans, it is hard to figure out why there were so many types of humans before us. Some like to say it was evolution, but I believe there were just too many different human types for that. A new study has just been released and it notes eight new types of humans have been found who lived in the past along with all the ones we know about. Scientists are saying these changes in human races can be linked to climate changes. I hate to say this but you shouldn’t blame climate change for everything that happens.

For those of us who think UFOs are coming here from other planets, and there are more of us than ever, could that be the reason for all the changes? Perhaps some or all of these races came from different planets and were brought here until the aliens found the best type of human for survival. Yeah, I know, this is a long shot but we should not close our minds to anything until we get the answer. There are those who also think aliens interfered with the human race genetically, creating changes in us.

When we first examined Neanderthals we never realized they might have been our equals or even more intelligent than modern humans. One thing which is not mentioned much is the fact the Neanderthal brain was larger than our brains. It is true however that the size of the brain is not always an indication of more intelligence. Take the crow for example, scientists believe it is smarter than a dog and many other animals. We have now changed our opinion of Neanderthals and believe they could talk, were maybe as smart as us or even more and far more muscular. Maybe they were here for some other reason than becoming the dominant race on earth. They could have been here to give us something in the way of genes, which helped us survive. We have found out all modern humans have some Neanderthal DNA. The gene count is about two percent for most humans. Another race we know of which contributed some DNA to humans was the Denisovans. Not much is known about them and their DNA appears in the people of Melanesia. This was also true for the Australian Aborigines, Polynesians and the people of Oceania. We were very lucky to find a finger from a Denisovan so we could get the DNA from it.

Could there have been a race of humans on this planet which were actually more advanced than us, but different from modern humans? This has been proposed many times, not the looking different part, just the part of a superior race? If you watch the show Ancient Aliens, they propose ancient aliens came to the earth and taught the humans how to do certain things. Maybe something else happened. There are a few people who think there might have been an advanced race of some type of human on this planet, and there was a war with an alien race and most of the humans were destroyed, and it happened so long ago evidence of their existence was wiped out by the dynamic earth. Not all died and some inhabited other planets because they had space travel. The theory is they have come back and are piloting the UFOs, and also helping the government with some projects.

Some scientists take umbrage to the count of other types of human races that came before us. The reason they are not happy with the count is the fact they do not all agree on what races were human. In other words, they feel the definition of human leaves something to be desired. Could some of these races defined as humans be nothing more than apes? When we are talking about skeletons and fossils from hundreds of thousands of years ago, it is certainly possible mistakes have been made. I know for a fact mistakes were made with the dinosaurs which were rectified many years later, but there are still probably mistakes we have not found out about yet.

A race of extinct humans known as Homo Floresiensis or Flores Man has been nicknamed Hobbit. The reason for this is the skeletons which were found were of people with an average height of about 3 feet 7 inches. These remains were found on the island of Flores, Indonesia. Partial skeletons were found of nine different individuals. Some of these ancient finds show it was not that long ago when they became extinct, of course everything is relative and I am talking about 50,000 years ago. They had a sister race according to scientists named Homo habilis. The dates for the extinction of Homo floresiensis has been pushed back to 100,000 years, but stone tools found were aged at between 50,000 years old to 190,000 years old, so there seems to be some conflict about the age of the skeletons.

One thing I can’t help wondering about is how many other races existed and expired which we know nothing about? It is extraordinary that so many different races of humans existed and the times overlapped each other.

Remember when I mentioned the fact mistakes can be made. Scientists are calling one of the finds from the past a reinterpretation of a find. Yeah, there was a mistake. They are talking about the find of Homo longi, which means Dragon Man. Some scientists are now saying the skeletal remains are too large to be classified as Homo sapiens. The brain was about the size of a modern human however. The problem is it had teeth and eye sockets far larger than modern man. The find was originally made in 1933 in China and scientists decided to reexamine the bones.

With all of these bones being found, how would we ever know if we found the bones of an extraterrestrial? We might just classify them as another early human relative.

A new species of ancient human remains was found in a cave in the Philippines. It has been named Homo luzonensis. Scientists found some bones in a cave, along with several teeth. If it wasn’t for the fact caves were used by many early races of humans and even early modern humans for shelter we wouldn’t have anywhere near the number of finds we have. These people were very short. The teeth are different from all other human types and the fingers and toes, despite their small size, their fingers and toes were longer than ours. Scientists are yet to discover how they fit into the evolution of humans. 

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