Truth Facts



Evolution and Archaeology

I have always be a doubter about how we study our evolution. As I have said before, piecing together bones and ranking evolution by changes in these bones seems to me not to be the best scientific approach. Granted we haven’t found a fool proof method yet, but just because we haven’t, does that make the current method correct? Who knows how many of these pieces and such are even together correctly? I am found of saying they were wrong on some of the dinosaur displays in the New York Museum of Natural History for years until the scientists decided some were wrong and they were going to correct this. Even if the skeletons are correct now, how does that prove evolution went the way they think?

Not every scientist agrees with the procession of evolution being the way it was charted out. There has been a new report released by the Milner Centre for Evolution at the University of Bath, England. The report states the idea of comparing anatomy to determine the evolution of life, in their words, is misleading. I have been saying this for decades. They propose using gene sequences instead. This creates a problem for those die hard evolutionists. It could mean much of the work which has been done over the centuries is incorrect. The point is just because organisms look similar doesn’t mean they come from each other.

I have to wonder if this report will be accepted. Will it be dismissed out of hand to retain the status quo? There are some scientists who will resent the fact their life’s work could go down the drain if more of their peers think this way. The report was published in Communications Biology.

While it is true scientists believe Homo sapiens evolved in Africa about 200,000 years ago, it seems evidence is pushing that date further into the past and there are some finds which suggest Asia might have been the cradle of the race. This makes what I am about to tell you even more interesting. A quarry in Wonderwerk Cave in South Africa, was examined by scientists who claim they found use of fire and suppose it was by Hominins. They are saying this took place about 1,000,000 years ago. This would mean if Homo sapiens were not around, it had to be some early ancestor to us who did this, according to the scientists. Wait a second, they are basing this on the fact they found a tusk in the fire and are supposing something was cooked there. They base all this upon the fact they believe fire was used somehow to help with the creation of early stone tools. They indicate the early hominins who looked more like apes may have known how to cook what they caught.

Personally, I would have thought creatures with very small brains, even if hominins, would have been more like animals and animals do not like fire. Therefore, the idea of them cooking their food doesn’t seem credible. Scientists believe they have found stone tools which date to 3.3 million years ago. To believe these were tools you have to believe the chipped stones did not get chipped by nature in some other way than by precursors to modern humans. If you have ever looked at some of these supposed tools, you might notice that some of them look like rocks and just rocks but a scientist might say that was a hand axe or something like that. To be fair, some do look like they were chipped in a pattern only an intelligent being could accomplish, but I am talking about the ones I saw which were only a couple of hundred thousands of years old, certainly not millions.

What I do believe is the human race, that is modern humans, go back further than we think, and may be responsible for really ancient sites we haven’t found yet. Maybe I should say, we could have found and misdated them. I could go over all the sites I think have a chance of being misdated, but I have mention them all before in previous articles. Suffice it to say there are quite a few of them. I can’t help but think, from everything I have seen and heard over decades that the reason for earlier dates not being used, is to hide the truth  from us. Let’s just take one of these places or objects, the Sphinx. There is evidence which seems to indicate it is older than we say it is and that evidence is on an Ancient Egyptian  plaque which indicates it was there before an ancient pharaoh from the supposed date of build was born. Hardly anyone ever talks about that. Also, the weathering and water marks on it seem to indicate far greater age than the age proposed.

Could all this be because we don’t really come from here and don’t fit into the evolution of the planet? Wouldn’t that be a kicker. There are some indications we come from Mars. I won’t go over them all again, but I will say there are some things on Mars which seem to be Egyptian like. One of the objects is known as the Sphinx on Mars. You can do a search for it with your browser and the video will come up as will stills of the sphinx. There is also a four sided pyramid on Mars and the famous face on Mars seems to be wearing an ancient Egyptian headdress in the original Voyager photos, before it was messed with.

When we talk of knocking the evolutionary tree on its ear, if we find more of this stuff on Mars and are allowed to know about it, there goes evolution as far as humans are concerned. We would have to start over by working it out on Mars. I have to admit, it is an exciting thought. On the other hand, could it be the ancient Egyptians learned from people who came here from Mars. That would have to be something else to consider and if there are Egyptian type structures on Mars this could also be the case. There is a third option, there may be no intelligent built structures on Mars after all.

Archaeology is not always clear. Sometimes things are found and sent off to a museum basement because they didn’t fit into the narrative. There are old newspaper reports of things being sent to the Smithsonian Museum and yet those items seem to have disappeared. This has happened more than once and on different occasions. The objects might have changed our thinking on different subjects, and the museum denies ever getting them.

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