Truth Facts



How the Ancients Could Have Moved Huge Stones

We have been puzzling over how the ancients moved extremely heavy rocks we can’t move today. I have heard all sorts of theories over the years and not one could have accounted for all those real heavy rocks. As you all know by now if you read these articles, we are not capable of moving some of them today even with the powerful machinery we have. I am not going to hash over those old theories of how the rocks were moved again, but I would like to talk about some other possibilities.

First, I would like to talk about how some of the Tibetan monks are able to have out of body experiences and how this might relate to the moving of giant stones. When experts are asked if you applied enough humans could you move the biggest of them and the answer is no. Some of the really big slabs weigh 2,000 tons. The Buddhist monks have a way of taking control of their bodies the rest of us do not. The human body is thought to be much more capable than how we use it. The proof is said to be the hysterical strength. We know it exists because we see and hear about it occasionally. People when seeing others or themselves in danger are capable of lifting well over 3,000 pounds. This is caused by the body’s stress response. It is thought the body suddenly supplies a rush of adrenaline.

I am talking about ordinary people possessing the strength of a superman. We do not know how to create it.  Perhaps the ancients knew more about this and figured out a way to bring it on and used it in construction. If we take the base assumption an ordinary human man untrained can lift about 135 to 175 pounds. An ant can lift about 30 times its weight. If we use the figure of 150 pounds weight average it means a human using hysterical strength can lift at least 20 times the weight of a 150 pound man. Just say for the heck of it the ancients figured out how to tap into this strength. The Great Pyramid in Egypt has many stones weighing 2.5 tons each. This would have meant only two men would have been needed to lift each of those stones and there were many stones that size. Yes, there were also much heavier ones, but if each man could lift 20 times his weight and maybe more, building the Great Pyramid or any other huge structure would have been made a lot easier.

Many of the Great Pyramid builders might have been in better shape than the average person since they were working with heavy stones for a long time. We don’t really know the limit to hysterical strength. No one I know of has ever discussed this possibility just as they never discussed my other idea for how the inside of the pyramids were painted in the dark without any signs of smoke. I had said they painted while the pyramids were being built before the ceiling was put on, so they painted in the daylight.

Let’s look at some of the bigger rocks and see how many men using hysterical strength would have been needed to move them. It is said by some the heaviest stone in the great pyramid weighs 80 tons, I am not so sure about that, but let’s use that figure for an example. Remember most of the stones were 2.5 tons. If a man is known to be able to lift 3,000 pounds under hysterical strength, then 54 men could move an 80 ton rock. Lets be generous and make it easier for them and put 100 men on the job. They should be able to do this. The biggest problem I see is how to keep the hysterical strength going. It is said you need adrenaline, so the question is how long could you keep it flowing and if it flows too long can you damage your body. It would be interesting to see if any of the worker mummies had any physical damage or better yet if scientists could tell if they ever had excess adrenaline in their bodies. I don’t know that much about this, so I do not know if there is any way to tell.

Suddenly this theory makes it look like building these structures became a lot easier. This would have to mean the ancients were much better at us in mind control and if this is true, who knows what else they might have been able to do that we can’t?

There is also something else I would like to suggest. Humans have been experimenting with sound for thousands of years. Could there be some sound or combination of sounds which might allow them to make stones move? It has been suggested by others sound was used in the construction of the Pyramids. Could our ancestors have discovered some incredible sound that would allow them to defy gravity. Getting back to the Tibetan monks, it has been said they figured out a way by making certain sounds with horns and drums to move rocks up cliffs. If this is true it probably was more than just the sound doing this, there may also have been some sort of mind control involved along with the sound or it could have all been mind control with the sound being ceremonial.

When it comes to the Tibetan monks it has been suggested they are more advanced in mind control than any other humans on earth. They claim after training for years they can leave their bodies and have given uncanny examples of what they have seen in the places they went to. It sort of is the same as the out of body experience some people have when they die and come back. There are so many of these stories we have to take them as a distinct possibility because there is no way some of the people could have seen things going on in other rooms while their bodies lay on the operating table. They also remember people going in and out while they were laying there dead.

If the after death experience is possible, then we have to admit we might be able to tap into it with our minds if we were trained. In other words, if something exists in times of stress, there may be an opportunity to tap into it if we can figure out how to do it. When you think about this it is not such an outrageous thought. Perhaps our ancestors knew more about this stuff than we suspect.

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