Truth Facts



Ancient Structures

A lot of things we are told are not true. I am leading off with this because it is so important to knowing our history. While we might not learn anything new, it is nice to know what might be false. I was particularly thinking of how ancient structures are dated and what relationships they have to each other. Have you ever heard archaeologists who are dating a structure say it is so and so many years old and then add but it could be a lot older? I have heard this many times. As older and even older structures are being found we are being taught something. It is that some very old unknown civilizations lived a much different way than we supposed.

We believed all races of man before somewhere around ten thousand years ago were hunter gatherers. We thought they had to be because they were not capable of knowing the procedures involved in farming so they had to hunt and as the game ran out, they would move on. It seems to make sense doesn’t it? It should because it was believed for hundreds of years, but like many things we believe it was proven to be false. When archaeologists found the ruins at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey they couldn’t believe their eyes. They dated it at about 12,000 years old but admitted it could be older. What had them flabbergasted was the complex nature of the carvings into hard stone of animals and the number of temples. Clearly these structures took not only unknown skill at the time, but were NOT built by hunter gatherers because it would have taken too long to build and these people would have had to move on, way before it could be finished. The way the carvings were made in hard stone is a mystery since these people were believed not to have any metal yet.

Could there be even older structures we just haven’t found yet? There has been a theory which many people think is true which states we came from somewhere else and when we got here, we were an advanced race. There is another theory which states we were brought here to be slaves to aliens and dig in their mines for precious metals. I don’t want to forget another theory which states we were far more advanced in the past and either lost the talent over the years and are in the process of regaining it, or we were bombed back to the Stone Age in a war with aliens.

Gobekli Tepe proves there indeed could be older structures and maybe we know these structures but have not dated them correctly. Could the procedure known as rock carving which created many marvels have been used on buildings which are much older than we suspect today? Why would I say this? I say it because of the lack of tool marks in some of these places.

One of the things which amazes me is the fact when you look at lists of very old structures, many times the oldest are not on the list. Many lists do not show anything older than structures from 4800 B.C. Is there a connection between other old structures and maybe even Gobekli Tepe? Let’s take a look at a couple of ancient structures. The first one is Petra in Jordan and the other is the Lycian tombs in Turkey. Both are unusual because they were not what most of us would say were built, they were carved into the rock face. Why would anyone want to use this construction method? What ancient tools could have allowed for these magnificent structures? On the first point, perhaps there was a lack of building material in these two areas. Petra seems to be in a desert but the Lycian Tombs seem to have material around them which would be suitable for the stone construction of the times. We see the same thing in a site known as Mada’in Saleh which is located in the Nabataean kingdom in Jordan.

These structures must have been extremely laborious to construct and yet people devoted much of their lives building them. We have to remember the average life expectancy was only about 30 years old at the time. Why would someone think they should take the harder route to construction and carve out buildings? Could we be wrong about everything, meaning the ancient Egyptians were a far older race than we think and perhaps these rock carved buildings are also far older?

There are far more places which used this construction method such as Abu Simbel in Egypt which contains giant statues and tombs. The Ellora Caves in India which have incredibly large carved structures inside the caves. The Ajanta Caves in India can only be described as having large cathedrals built inside with high columns. Lalibela in Ethiopia contains a church carved out of rock and built from the top down. There are so many others which I think should be classified as world wonders.

There was a story which went around about the Lalibela church. The construction was examined by archaeologists some of which think it would have been impossible to create this structure given the tools of the time period. The church is thought to have been carved between the 12th and 13th century A.D. The archaeologists admit the date is not firm. Could this structure be much older and was used as something else in the past and converted to a church after the death of Christ? One of the problems is missing history. We really only guess about a lot of things which happened in the past. It is much harder to use the rock carving process than building a structure using other methods, which makes these structures so curious.

One thing I always wondered about was could certain ancient structures be far older than expected but were taken over and used by later races and that is why we think of them as belonging to a later time period? I am about to commit archaeological blasphemy by suggesting this could have happened with the Great Pyramid in Egypt. The Sphinx is believed to be far older than the Great Pyramid by some, but maybe the Great Pyramid is also older. There could have been a race before the Egyptians who built these things. We know the face on the Sphinx was probably changed and the erosion seems to indicate it is very old and perhaps far older than suggested.

The further back in time we go to try and figure out who built what and why, the less facts we have.

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