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New Spacecraft And Our Space Fleet

Microwave Craft

Microwave Powered Craft
Graphic Source: Ken, About Facts

I don’t know how many people have noticed it, but there was a photo taken by one of the satellites which plainly showed we had a triangular ship in space. I say we, because it looked very much like it was of earth origin. It seemed to be built in the same manner we would build a plane only larger. We can keep denying we have a space fleet, but there are just too many fingers pointing at this fact and evidence is just piling up. NASA is constantly experimenting with new things and one of the most incredible is an engine for space travel which needs no fuel. Yes you have read this correctly. NASA says the engine has a RF resonant cavity thruster design. The RF standing for radio frequency. If you like science speak they are saying it had demonstrated an interaction with the quantum vacuum virtual plasma. Okay this is a bit much I admit, but let me put it this way. Fuel is expensive and if we have an engine which is going to travel using something like a radio wave for propulsion, it is going to make space exploration in our solar system a lot cheaper. Microwaves will be sped up using solar power and pumped out the back of the engine thus producing a tiny amount of thrust, but enough to travel in space where there is no resistance.

What is the real reason we have not taken advantage of the moons rich resources yet? This is the question constantly being asked. My answer is simple, we are there already, but this doesn’t truly answer the question because the question implies by its nature companies have missed the chance so far of mining those resources. It looks to me like some of the private companies have already caught up to the government’s archaic rocket program. Companies like SpaceX, Bigelow and others have advanced further than what NASA has created as far as vehicles capable of carrying humans. There are several which have almost finished creating vehicles which look like airliners and have hybrid jet and rocket engines and are going to be capable of going into orbit. How long will it take after that before they create vehicles to go to the moon? They are not going to stop like our government did, or so they say. Will they meet a fleet of ships up there and if they do will the government finally have to announce the fact they are militarizing space? This will be interesting to see. It is expected in a little over a year the famous X Prize contest will be responsible for settling the question of which company will be the first to get to the moon.

We may be on the verge of the first truly reusable space plane from a private company. A British engineer has been working on the Skylon spaceplane for over 30 years. It will be like what we all pictured spaceships as being in the 1960’s sci-fi movies. A once piece ship which you could just get in and fly away from a runway which would not fall apart and require extensive repair on re-entry. A ship which would be ready to be used at a moment’s notice for emergencies like rescuing astronauts from the International Space Station or from space voyages gone wrong. One has to ask a very simple question. We have had rockets forever and jests since the late 1930. Why is it these two engines were never paired together before for space flight, jets to fly in the atmosphere and rockets for space? It seems obvious doesn’t it, yet how many experimental craft have you ever seen with these attributes? I have to say I have never seen one except for those being developed now. Could this configuration be the basis for our secret fleet? So what makes the Skylon so ingenious? It only has one nozzle for both the jet and the rocket engines. As a jet it sucks in oxygen which is cooled to a liquid and kept in a chamber. When the rocket engine is needed it uses the liquid oxygen. Basically the jet and rocket engine together are really more like only one engine. This idea first came about in the 1950s so what took so long? Was it held back on purpose?

What about the rest of the world, what are they doing in space? According to a statement made by a highly placed U.S. Navy admiral the United States is now in a position of strategic advantage in space, but this could change because nations are investing more money in space activities and on counterspace capabilities. In other words they will be able to take down what we put up. Another thing we are talking about is the capability to build spaceships where countries will just keep getting more advanced and capable. Soon it will not be possible for any nation to have a secret space fleet or secret space stations. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Maybe by them we will all show some sense and start to cooperate in space as much as this pains us. There could be a lot of advantages, such as more eyes on meteors and asteroids heading our way and also making space projects cheaper since many countires would each pay their part. What we don’t want to do is have countries claiming this planet and that moon for theirs much as the explorers of old did with countries. We never claimed the moon in the name of the United States, but that doesn’t mean some other nation might not try that. Think of a country like North Korea in space and ask yourself if the thought of them doing this is so farfetched?

Venus Express took in all the sights of the planet as it orbited it from an altitude somewhere between 131 and 135 km a couple of times a day at its closest approach. The reason it got so low was it has been running out of fuel after eight years so the scientists decided to use air breaking by getting the craft lower into the atmosphere. This gave them a lot of data. First of all no craft has ever gone into this part of Venus’s atmosphere. Secondly they found out how the craft responded when it entered the upper part of the atmosphere at very high speeds. This information may be useful someday if we ever figure out how to send a manned mission there, which seems unlikely in the near future considering Venus’s atmospheric pressure is 90 times earths at the surface and would crush a human instantly unless he had some sort of yet uninvented shield around him or her. The craft has been raised back to a height of 250 km at its closest approach.

A whistleblower has come forward insisting he spent about three years in our secret space fleet. He said it was run by a multinational organization called the Earth Defense Force. He went on to say the fleet has members from many different nations even including China and Russia. The whistleblower claims he was trained as a pilot and can fly several different types of ships and the training facility was on the moon. He is not the first whistleblower to talk about the fleet. Ben Rich former head of the Lockheed Skunk Works and now deceased, alluded to our capabilities as did President Reagan who once said we have the shuttle capacity to launch over 300 people at once.

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